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From: zhouu on 8 Feb 2010 22:14 How to Clean Tear Stains On a Dog Tear staining is a common problem in dogs. Excessive tearing causes moisture in the hair around the eyes, making it an ideal home for bacteria. This bacterium is responsible for the darkening under the eyes. With relevant knowledge, you can remove stains quickly and efficiently Step 1: Mix the milk and peroxide of magnesium together in a bowl. Add two drops of Nexxus Keraphix, to help prevent the skin from drying out. Step 2:add a little cornstarch at the time. Toss the mixture together every time you add the corn starch. You should use just enough so that it makes a paste. You do not need a tablespoon of starch. Step 3: Apply the paste to the tear stains using a cotton swab. Generous sum paste should be used to completely cover each seat. Let the dough rest and dry day. Step 4: Wash paste Off the next morning. Dry dog person. See More About Dog Grooming : |