From: Philip on

I'm having the following problem:
I am using a script to scan large Simulink model files for masked subsystems. The masked subsystems found are scanned for their mask parameters / prompts and their values. The results are written to a .txt file for documentation. That works fine so far. Now I want to automatically add a DocBlock to the parent system of the masked subsystems. The problem I am experiencing is that I can't write enough data to the DocBlock using the
set_param(<path to DocBlock>,'UserData',text) command.

To generate text blocks by the strvcat command doesn't work, after passing the 'text' variable to the above set_param function, there is only mixed up content in the DocBlock. Passing a single, very long line of code is not very convenient to read afterwards...
Is there any way I can use special expressions like '\n' ? I didn't have an sucess so far...

thanks for the help!


Matlab 2007b