From: wm7506 on

Fairly new to Tcl so please excuse if
silly question....

I have an entry widget that includes a
-textvariable VMname that gets read in
by the user's input. I then use tk_messageBox
to output an error if a bad value is entered
for VMname, including in the error message
the value of VMname. My question, is there a
way to change the color of this textvariable to
perhaps red from within tk_messageBox -message $VMname ??

It looks like default is just black and no easy way
to change color? Any ideas, suggestions, tips, or
pointers to examples would be much appreciated!!

proc get_virtual {} {
set VMname ""
destroy .lab .ent
label .lab -text "Input your Virtual Machine Name:"
# Create an entry widget, named .ent
entry .ent -textvariable VMname
focus .ent
pack .lab
pack .ent
bind .ent <Return> {
puts "the virtual machine name is: $VMname";
if {[catch {exec /opt/SUNWuttsc/bin/uttsc -m -b -A 16 -r sound:low
$VMname} result] } {
tk_messageBox -title " Error encountered!" -detail "Invalid
Virtual Machine name:\n \"$VMname\"\n Please Re-Enter" -icon error -
type ok
# error "$VMname: Invalid VM Name - Re-Input"
# set status [catch {exec /opt/SUNWuttsc/bin/uttsc -m -b -A 16 -r
sound:low $VMname} result]
set VMname ""
destroy .lab .ent

Thanks in advance,


From: Harald Oehlmann on
On 23 Jun., 23:45, Jeff Godfrey <jeff_godf...(a)> wrote:
> > It looks like default is just black and no easy way
> > to change color?  Any ideas, suggestions, tips, or
> > pointers to examples would be much appreciated!!

Hi Bill,
Jeffs answer is ok. Maybe, you would try the BWidget message box which
is not native and has options like foreground, background etc.

You may find it in tcllib on sourceforge or in ActiveTCL.
