From: fatema on
I want to change the background of my image which ir green to black, I tried the following code, it makes other parts which theyare not green as black, any help please:
[x y z]=size(img)
for i=1:1:(x-1)
for j=1:1:(y-1)
if (img(i,j,3)>=150)
From: Walter Roberson on
fatema wrote:
> I want to change the background of my image which ir green to black, I
> tried the following code, it makes other parts which theyare not green
> as black, any help please:
> img=imread('fish.jpg');
> [x y z]=size(img)
> for i=1:1:(x-1)
> for j=1:1:(y-1)
> if (img(i,j,3)>=150)
> img(i,j,:)=0;
> end
> end
> end
> imshow(img);

There are a lot of colors which have a green component more than 150,
and yet would not be considered to have a hue that was green. Likewise,
if a particular color happens to have very low red and blue components,
it may be recognizably green even if the green portion is not above 150.

If I recall correctly, John D'Errico has a Matlab File Exchange
contribution for Fuzzy Color Matching.
From: ImageAnalyst on
Take a look at my demo that finds "red" pixels:
You can easily adapt it to find pixels in the "green" range or
whatever color range you're interested in. Then simply use masking to
set the green pixels to black:
rgbImage(:,:,1) = rgbImage(:,:,1) .* uint8(greenMask(:,:));
rgbImage(:,:,2) = rgbImage(:,:,2) .* uint8(greenMask(:,:));
rgbImage(:,:,3) = rgbImage(:,:,3) .* uint8(greenMask(:,:));
or something like that (e.g. logical indexing).
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