From: Ertugrul Soeylemez on
Michael Heiming <michael+USENET(a)> (06-06-19 23:24:09):

> But why the hassle? You can script useradd to do the job more easily
> for you. As usual the fine manual 'man useradd' has the info.

Yes, and it's also more portable and optionally allows automatic home
directory creation based on a template, and so on. You shouldn't tamper
with /etc/passwd, /etc/group and /etc/shadow, unless you have a good
reason to do so. Use system tools instead.

To get you started:

for n in `seq 0 8999`; do
useradd -u $((1000 + $n)) -g $((1001 + $n / 1000)) user_$((1000 + $n))

From: Michael Heiming on
In comp.os.linux.networking Chris F.A. Johnson <cfajohnson(a)>:
> On 2006-06-19, Michael Heiming wrote:
>> In comp.os.linux.networking Ross <nospam(a)>:
>>> "Bit Twister" <BitTwister(a)> wrote in message
>>>> On Mon, 19 Jun 2006 16:42:01 -0400, Ross wrote:
>>>>> Hi there,
>>>>> I am going to create 9000 users.
>> [ short bash script to do it ]
>>> Thanks a lot for your idea!
>>> But the $user comes with new line. The output is like this:
>>> user_1^M:x:1001:1000::/home/user_1^M:/bin/bash
>>> user_2^M:x:1002:1001::/home/user_2^M:/bin/bash
>>> :
>>> How could I eliminate the ^M?
>> Don't keep your files on a doze box, those can't even handle a
>> text file probably,

> s/probably/properly/

Thx for reminding! ;-)

> There is nothing improper about a Windows text file; the standard
> allows CR/LF line endings.

Just that it sucks if you edit/transfer text on one and copy to
the other. Strange enough there's zero problem between any kind
of unix system. Just M$ has this problem, perhaps because it
isn't an OS but a fine? ;-)

>> as you just encountered. Alternatively run
>> 'dos2unix' over the file.

So much for standards...

Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo zvpunry(a)urvzvat.qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 246: It must have been the lightning storm we had
(yesterday) (last week) (last month)
From: Chris F.A. Johnson on
On 2006-06-19, Ertugrul Soeylemez wrote:
> Michael Heiming <michael+USENET(a)> (06-06-19 23:24:09):
>> But why the hassle? You can script useradd to do the job more easily
>> for you. As usual the fine manual 'man useradd' has the info.
> Yes, and it's also more portable

It is not portable; there are different versions, with different
syntax, even among Linux distros. Other *nixen may not have it at

Chris F.A. Johnson, author <>
Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach (2005, Apress)
===== My code in this post, if any, assumes the POSIX locale
===== and is released under the GNU General Public Licence
From: Ross on
Thanks a bunch to all guys!
Your replies are very helpful!

"Ross" <nospam(a)> wrote in message
> Hi there,
> I am going to create 9000 users.
> I have all the user names in a txt file userlist.txt like this:
> user_1
> user_2
> :
> user_9000
> I want the passwd file to be created like this:
> user_1:x:1001:1000::/home/user_1:/bin/bash
> user_2:x:1002:1000::/home/user_2:/bin/bash
> :
> user_1000:x:1001::/home/user_2000:/bin/bash
> :
> user_9000:x:1009::/home/user_9000:/bin/bash
> How could I use bash with something like awk to create the passwd file?
> And also the group, shadow files (all passwords can be the same)?
> Thanks,
> Ross

From: Michael Heiming on
In comp.os.linux.networking Ertugrul Soeylemez <never(a)>:
> Michael Heiming <michael+USENET(a)> (06-06-19 23:24:09):

>> But why the hassle? You can script useradd to do the job more easily
>> for you. As usual the fine manual 'man useradd' has the info.

> Yes, and it's also more portable and optionally allows automatic home

If more portable or not, 'useradd' should ease up things

Basically the versions of useradd on many unix[tm] work the same
as the Linux version, the later has a nice option to hand over a
crypt() string as password. Haven't seen this option in any other
unix[tm], though it might have been added since I checked.

Halfway recent *BSD versions can do the same through 'pw' (iirc).
No rocket science to rewrite with awk one version to another.

> directory creation based on a template, and so on. You shouldn't tamper
> with /etc/passwd, /etc/group and /etc/shadow, unless you have a good
> reason to do so. Use system tools instead.

Indeed, strange enough the better idea of doing so occurred me
just after typing the line awk.

> To get you started:

> for n in `seq 0 8999`; do
> useradd -u $((1000 + $n)) -g $((1001 + $n / 1000)) user_$((1000 + $n))
> done

Nice line of bash. ;-)

Michael Heiming (X-PGP-Sig > GPG-Key ID: EDD27B94)
mail: echo zvpunry(a)urvzvat.qr | perl -pe 'y/a-z/n-za-m/'
#bofh excuse 134: because of network lag due to too many people
playing deathmatch
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