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From: Vengat on 26 Oct 2009 07:07 i need to know about what are the parameter consider when creating sea wave... then how to greate sea wave using matlab tool... i have Matlab 14 release 3 Package i am basically from electronics dept... i do not know about ocean engg... how to create sea wave and ship simulation
From: NZTideMan on 26 Oct 2009 14:53 On Oct 27, 12:07 am, "Vengat " <newsrea...(a)> wrote: > i need to know about what are the parameter consider when creating sea wave... > then how to greate sea wave using matlab tool... > i have Matlab 14 release 3 Package > i am basically from electronics dept... > i do not know about ocean engg... how to create sea wave and ship simulation Sea waves are usually generated using a spectral shape in a Monte Carlo simulation. Google jonswap (Joint North Sea Wave Project) to get a typical spectral shape, but there are others.
From: Bruno Luong on 26 Oct 2009 15:12
"Vengat " <newsreader(a)> wrote in message <hc3vsl$9hl$1(a)>... > i need to know about what are the parameter consider when creating sea wave... > then how to greate sea wave using matlab tool... > i have Matlab 14 release 3 Package > i am basically from electronics dept... > i do not know about ocean engg... how to create sea wave and ship simulation I haven't used it, but this might be of your interests: Bruno |