From: Gumah on
hi all
lets say we have:
for i=1:6
test_cell_c{1,i}=wavefast(a{1,i},1, 'jpeg9.7');
A=[ a{1,1}; a{1,2};a{1,3};a{1,4};a{1,5};a{1,6}]

I want to delete the first element of A ..Any body knows how can do
Best regards
From: ImageAnalyst on
On Jun 7, 10:49 pm, Gumah <alrjele2...(a)> wrote:
> hi all
> lets say we have:
> for i=1:6
>     test_cell_c{1,i}=wavefast(a{1,i},1, 'jpeg9.7');
> end
> A=[ a{1,1}; a{1,2};a{1,3};a{1,4};a{1,5};a{1,6}]
> I want to delete the first element of A ..Any body knows how can do
> that?
> Best regards

A(1) = [];
From: Walter Roberson on
Gumah wrote:

> lets say we have:
> for i=1:6
> test_cell_c{1,i}=wavefast(a{1,i},1, 'jpeg9.7');
> end
> A=[ a{1,1}; a{1,2};a{1,3};a{1,4};a{1,5};a{1,6}]
> I want to delete the first element of A ..Any body knows how can do
> that?

A(1) = [];

if you are trying to do it after you have constructed A. However, A is
not a cell array.

If you want to delete test_cell_c(1,1) then

test_cell_c(1,1) = [];