From: Peter Duniho on
Arved Sandstrom wrote:
> The term "syntactic sugar" has nothing whatsoever to do with differences
> in compiled output.

It most certainly does have to do with that. One of the biggest
benefits of having built-in property support is for what's possible
_after_ the code has been compiled. You cannot ignore the compiled
output and still expect to comprehend how properties are useful beyond
simple naming conventions.

> I agree entirely with your definition - it's the one
> I'm using. And that definition has nothing to do with object
> code/IL/bytecode differences.

If you think that's true, then you aren't using the same definition I'm

> The fact is that you can replace every use of a C# property with either
> a public member field and/or a public method.

No, you can't. If you do that, then you sacrifice a big part of what
makes properties useful.

> That's why properties are syntactic sugar.

No, it's not.

From: Peter Duniho on
Arved Sandstrom wrote:
> [...]
> Direction to good web articles or even a book or two is fine, and they
> can be as advanced as you think is necessary. I have in fact been
> following everything you've said in this thread, and the closest I see
> to any kind of explanation is a post of yours from about 2115 on the
> 25th of Feb. There you made two points: one about "more robust data
> binding", and one about the help that properties provides to GUI
> designers. I'm not particularly concerned about GUI designers, but
> perhaps you could direct me to some material that expands on the first
> point.

You can infer conclusions about both points once you actually know what
_really_ happens when you write a property in C# (i.e. as opposed to
forming an opinion about properties in C# without actually know what
they are or how they work). For example, this method becomes possible:

That's the GetProperties() method from the System.Type class (equivalent
to Java's java.lang.Class class). There's simply no way to write that
method in Java simply by implementing properties as conventionally named
methods. I assume that you, or any other reader, can correctly infer
the value in such a method.

Or more explicitly, consider the following type:

class Test
public string PropertyA
get { return "PropertyA"; }
set { }

public string getPropertyB()
return "PropertyB";
public void setPropertyB(string str) { }

The generated IL is as follows:

.class auto ansi nested private beforefieldinit Test
extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public hidebysig specialname
instance string get_PropertyA() cil managed
// Code size 11 (0xb)
.maxstack 1
.locals init ([0] string CS$1$0000)
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldstr "PropertyA"
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: br.s IL_0009

IL_0009: ldloc.0
IL_000a: ret
} // end of method Test::get_PropertyA

.method public hidebysig specialname
instance void set_PropertyA(string 'value') cil managed
// Code size 2 (0x2)
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ret
} // end of method Test::set_PropertyA

.method public hidebysig instance string
getPropertyB() cil managed
// Code size 11 (0xb)
.maxstack 1
.locals init ([0] string CS$1$0000)
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ldstr "PropertyB"
IL_0006: stloc.0
IL_0007: br.s IL_0009

IL_0009: ldloc.0
IL_000a: ret
} // end of method Test::getPropertyB

.method public hidebysig instance void
setPropertyB(string str) cil managed
// Code size 2 (0x2)
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: nop
IL_0001: ret
} // end of method Test::setPropertyB

.method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname
instance void .ctor() cil managed
// Code size 7 (0x7)
.maxstack 8
IL_0000: ldarg.0
IL_0001: call instance void [mscorlib]System.Object::.ctor()
IL_0006: ret
} // end of method Test::.ctor

.property instance string PropertyA()
.get instance string
.set instance void
} // end of property Test::PropertyA
} // end of class Test

Noting, of course, the key difference between the "method-only" property
"PropertyB" and the "property-declared" property "PropertyA":
specifically, the class gets an _actual_ ".property" member for the
"PropertyA" property. This property member is useful in a variety of
contexts, support for data binding being just one.

There is no other language feature in C# that allows you to declare and
emit that special ".property" class member, nor can you achieve the same
functionality (in either Java or C#) simply by using some particular
naming convention for plain methods.

In the context of data binding, the above feature allows a variety of
things. But here's one example:

That's a property on the ListControl base class that allows you to
specify the property used to generate whatever happens to actually be
displayed in the ListControl for any given item stored as an element of
the ListControl's list. It works because the ListControl class can
reliably convert the string into a PropertyInfo object that allows the
value of the property for any object instance to be retrieved.

You can accomplish the same end-result in Java, but not in a way that
ensures you're really specifically dealing with properties, nor in a
general way that ensures you always have access to (i.e. can identify)
every property present in a class. I.e. it's not precisely the same
functionality, even if what the user sees in the end is the same.

> P.S. We may as well not argue about the definition of syntactic sugar.
> :-) What I understand to be the definition of syntactic sugar, as also
> defined by Wikipedia, and as I've seen innumerable people use it, never
> mentions differences in intermediate or object code.

You are reading that definition much differently than I do. From the

Specifically, a construct in a language is called
syntactic sugar if it can be removed from the language
without any effect on what the language can do:
functionality and expressive power will remain the same.

If you remove properties from C#, the language can no longer accomplish
the same functionality it could before. Furthermore, the specific
functionality it can no longer accomplish is _specifically_ related to
the _compiled_ output.

And more generally speaking, _any_ language feature that exists
specifically to affect the compiled output (i.e. it's not just something
that you could simply write differently using other features of the
language and still get the same compiled output) is by definition not
going to qualify as "syntactic sugar", and further more it won't qualify
_specifically because_ of the difference in the _compiled_ output.

In fact, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a language feature that
fails to qualify as "syntactic sugar" and yet _can_ be written using
some other feature(s) of the language to accomplish the same _compiled_
output. In other words, syntactic sugar very much has a LOT to do with
what the compiled output is.

If you would prefer to not argue about the definition of "syntactic
sugar", that's fine with me. But if you choose to hold that position,
you need to actually not argue about the definition of "syntactic sugar".

> I might also add, one might want to be careful about striking a note of
> infallibility.

I have no idea what the above is intended to mean. I've never ever
suggested I'm infallible.

> In the same post of yours I mentioned, you say:
> "Note that other naming conventions solve the question of distinguishing
> a property from a field. For example, the .NET naming convention
> requires properties to start with a capital letter, and field names with
> a lower-case. Thus, "a.b = 5" is always setting a field, while "a.B" is
> setting a property"."
> In fact this is not true. An extremely common .NET convention is
> specifically for public member fields and properties both to be
> capitalized.

Incorrect. That's not an accepted convention, never mind "an extremely
common" one.

There is a single, Microsoft-supported .NET naming convention, and it
specifically advises that fields should not be capitalized. From

Do use Pascal casing for all public member, type,
and namespace names consisting of multiple words.

Note that this rule does not apply to instance fields.

> More precisely, I've almost always seen properties
> capitalized, and I've seen reams and reams of C# that has public member
> fields capitalized, including a lot of source by authoritative writers.

If an author recommends for .NET programs having public fields at all,
never mind capitalizing them, they are by definition not authoritative.
Both recommendations would be contrary to the official conventions
(something surely the readers of this newsgroup would appreciate, given
how religiously they adhere to Sun's Java conventions).

From: on
On 3/1/2010 3:19 AM, Peter Duniho wrote:
> Arved Sandstrom wrote:
> You can accomplish the same end-result in Java, but not in a way that
> ensures you're really specifically dealing with properties, nor in a
> general way that ensures you always have access to (i.e. can identify)
> every property present in a class. I.e. it's not precisely the same
> functionality, even if what the user sees in the end is the same.

Functionality is defined by what the end-user sees. If what the
end-user sees is the same, then it is the same functionality.

Dan Giaimo
From: Arved Sandstrom on
Peter Duniho wrote:
> Arved Sandstrom wrote:
>> [...]
>> Direction to good web articles or even a book or two is fine, and they
>> can be as advanced as you think is necessary. I have in fact been
>> following everything you've said in this thread, and the closest I see
>> to any kind of explanation is a post of yours from about 2115 on the
>> 25th of Feb. There you made two points: one about "more robust data
>> binding", and one about the help that properties provides to GUI
>> designers. I'm not particularly concerned about GUI designers, but
>> perhaps you could direct me to some material that expands on the first
>> point.
> You can infer conclusions about both points once you actually know what
> _really_ happens when you write a property in C# (i.e. as opposed to
> forming an opinion about properties in C# without actually know what
> they are or how they work). For example, this method becomes possible:
[ SNIP ]

Good stuff, thank you. I will digest all this at some leisure.

>> P.S. We may as well not argue about the definition of syntactic sugar.
>> :-) What I understand to be the definition of syntactic sugar, as also
>> defined by Wikipedia, and as I've seen innumerable people use it,
>> never mentions differences in intermediate or object code.
> You are reading that definition much differently than I do.
[ SNIP ]
> If you would prefer to not argue about the definition of "syntactic
> sugar", that's fine with me. But if you choose to hold that position,
> you need to actually not argue about the definition of "syntactic sugar".

Yeah, let's leave it at that. We clearly disagree, but it's not relevant
to this discussion.

>> I might also add, one might want to be careful about striking a note
>> of infallibility.
> I have no idea what the above is intended to mean. I've never ever
> suggested I'm infallible.
>> In the same post of yours I mentioned, you say:
>> "Note that other naming conventions solve the question of
>> distinguishing a property from a field. For example, the .NET naming
>> convention requires properties to start with a capital letter, and
>> field names with a lower-case. Thus, "a.b = 5" is always setting a
>> field, while "a.B" is setting a property"."
>> In fact this is not true. An extremely common .NET convention is
>> specifically for public member fields and properties both to be
>> capitalized.
> Incorrect. That's not an accepted convention, never mind "an extremely
> common" one.
[ SNIP ]

We'll have to disagree. We must be looking at almost completely
non-overlapping code and articles and books over the past X years. And I
don't make a habit of reading SAMS or Que books, or RoseIndia style
websites either. I can see with my own eyes that people are widely
Pascal-casing - not camel casing - instance fields, including public
instance fields (and BTW, MS also recommends strongly not to do public
instance fields but it's very common to do just that).

I didn't say MS .NET convention; I said _an_ extremely common .NET
convention. "An", not "the". Extremely common == accepted. And I'll
stand by that observation.

Not much point in beating this one to death. I use the MS convention
myself, and that's what matters to me.

From: Thomas Pornin on
According to Peter Duniho <NpOeStPeAdM(a)>:
> That's the GetProperties() method from the System.Type class (equivalent
> to Java's java.lang.Class class). There's simply no way to write that
> method in Java simply by implementing properties as conventionally named
> methods.

But it is simple enough to do with annotations. Simply define this:

@interface Property { }

and tag getters and setters with the '@Property' annotation. If 'm'
contains a reference to a Method instance, then just call
m.isAnnotationPresent(Property.class) to see if the method has been so

What you describe as being a special characteristic of properties (with
regards to plain methods) is just a simple boolean metadata accessible
at runtime through reflection. Java has a generic support for metadata,
known as "annotations". This means that C# properties are a mere
syntaxic convenience over the get+set naming convention along with an
annotation, as shown above.

(You may argue that the syntaxic convenience is more fool-proof against
typographic errors, and that would be true. But that's what syntaxic
conveniences are about.)

(I am not using the traditional "syntaxic sugar" expression, because I
am not American. That expression is based upon the idea that sugar is
the incarnation of happiness, which is, as tastes go, quite childish.
However, an expression which would be more to my liking would be
"syntaxic sausage", but I fear that it would not be appropriately

--Thomas Pornin