From: Walter Roberson on
gavishna shah wrote:
> ImageAnalyst <imageanalyst(a)> wrote in message
> <206a6ff9-1723-49ab-9285-deedc5adfc2c(a)>...

>> fullFileName = fullfile(folder, baseFileName);

> Sure,im pretty clear till this stage.After this will the following
> statements work out?
> array=decbin(fullFileName,16) %To get a 16 bit in each row of an
> array ?

fullFileName is just a string which is the _name_ of the file, whereas you
probably want to work with the _content_ of the file. Re-examine the code and
see where the content is read in and where it is stored.

> Let A(i,j) represent the pixel in the ith row & jth colm of the image
> fullFileName.

The image is not the same as the filename that contains it.

> Let B(i,j) be the transformed array containing bits such that
> B(i,j) = 1 if (A(i,j)/2^t) mod 2 =1, where t=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
> = 0 otherwise

Suppose for sake of argument that A(i,j) is binary 101 . Then A(i,j)/2^t mod 2
is 1 for t=0 and t=2 . That's two locations that suggest 1, and 6 (or 14) that
suggest 0. Now, how are you going to combine those 8 or 16 suggestions into a
_single_ storage location B(i,j) ?

You also need to re-examine your assumption that A(i,j) represents the pixel
in the ith row and jth column of the image. In order to be manipulating the
_content_ of the image location rather than the _color number_ of the image
location (an arbitrary positive index into a color table), you need to work
with true color (also known as RGB) images, and those require *three* storage
locations A(i,j,1), A(i,j,2), A(i,j,3) in order to specify the pixel.