From: Md. Shahriar Karim on
Can anybody help me in generating a latin hypercube parameter space? I plan to use 6 variables with 4 different values of each. Is there any matlab function that can do all the tricks?

I saw "lhsdesign (n, p)", but not sure how to utilize that for my parameter range. Thanks,
From: James Allison on
You can always rescale lhsdesign output from [0 1] to another range. For
example, if lb and ub specify the lower and upper bounds for each
parameter, try:

lb = [-10 0 0 10 100 0]; % lower bound
ub = [10 1 10 20 500 5]; % upper bound
n = 4; % number of samples
p = 6; % number of parameters
xn = lhsdesign(n,p); % generate normalized design
x = bsxfun(@plus,lb,bsxfun(@times,xn,(ub-lb)))


Md. Shahriar Karim wrote:
> Can anybody help me in generating a latin hypercube parameter space? I
> plan to use 6 variables with 4 different values of each. Is there any
> matlab function that can do all the tricks?
> I saw "lhsdesign (n, p)", but not sure how to utilize that for my
> parameter range. Thanks,
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