From: Kenneth A. Larsen on 8 Aug 2010 10:48 "Kenneth A. Larsen" <LarsenK(a)> wrote in message news:O0YdvzjNLHA.432(a)TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl... > > "Kenneth A. Larsen" <LarsenK(a)> wrote in message > news:eOicYUbNLHA.6100(a)TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... >> >> "Kenneth A. Larsen" <kuhlpc#2(a)> wrote in message >> news:eDQjCTbNLHA.1868(a)TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... >>> >>> "MarceepooNu" <mbh2010(a)> wrote in message >>> news:B6BDEC51-6359-4BED-9501-B47FA805DF05(a) >>>> Thank you. Thank you. Thank you >>>> >>>> to all of you, and especially you, Tom, and especically you, Mayayana >>>> for >>>> your help on this "project" of mine. >>>> >>>> FYI, Here's my version, which incorporates the use of the Hwnd, to >>>> avoid >>>> killing the wrong window: >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> 'I sometimes use the Sub (shown below) named: >>>> "subShowInHtmlWindow(strTexte)" to >>>> ' report the output from a script to an html window. >>>> >>>> 'I use variations on this code to send an argument from script A to >>>> script >>>> B, and to have Sript A harvest >>>> ' the output from Script B, and assign the output to a variable, for >>>> further >>>> ' computation. >>>> >>>> Public blnDataHarvest >>>> Public g_strWindowHandle >>>> >>>> blnDataHarvested = False >>>> >>>> strWindowPassThruBodyText = "Harvey: " & Now >>>> strWindowPassThruTitle = "WindowPassThru" >>>> >>>> subShowInHtmlWindow strWindowPassThruBodyText, strWindowPassThruTitle, >>>> True >>>> ' False True ' False >>>> 'subShowInHtmlWindow strWindowPassThruBodyText, strWindowPassThruTitle, >>>> False ' False True ' False >>>> >>>> >>>> MsgBox "Line 60: The following info was sent to an InternetExplorer Web >>>> page: " & _ >>>> "strWindowPassThruBodyText = Harvey: " & Now & vbCrLf & _ >>>> vbCrLf & _ >>>> "The follow info was harvested from an InternetExplorer Web page: " & _ >>>> vbCrLf & vbCrLf & fnHarvestGetIEWindowText(strWindowPassThruTitle) & " >>>> " & >>>> "Hi" >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> '* object.Popup Method >>>> '* ValueDescriptionButtonTypes >>>> '* 0ShowOKbutton. >>>> '* 1ShowOKandCancelbuttons. >>>> '* 2ShowAbort,Retry,andIgnorebuttons. >>>> '* 3ShowYes,No,andCancelbuttons. >>>> '* 4ShowYesandNobuttons. >>>> '* 5ShowRetryandCancelbuttons. >>>> '* >>>> '* IconTypesValueDescription >>>> '* 16Show"StopMark"icon. >>>> '* 32Show"QuestionMark"icon. >>>> '* 48Show"ExclamationMark"icon. >>>> '* 64Show"InformationMark"icon. >>>> '* >>>> '* TheprevioustwotablesdonotcoverallvaluesfornType. >>>> '* Foracompletelist,seetheMicrosoftWin32documentation. >>>> '* >>>> '* ThereturnvalueintButtondenotesthenumberofthebuttonthat >>>> '* theuserclicked. >>>> '* IftheuserdoesnotclickabuttonbeforenSecondsToWaitseconds, >>>> '* intButtonissetto-1. >>>> '* >>>> '* RetValueDescription >>>> '* 1OKbutton >>>> '* 2Cancelbutton >>>> '* 3Abortbutton >>>> '* 4Retrybutton >>>> '* 5Ignorebutton >>>> '* 6Yesbutton >>>> '* 7Nobutton >>>> '* >>>> '* EXAMPLE >>>> '* Dim WshShell >>>> Dim BtnCode >>>> Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >>>> 'intButton = >>>> object.Popup(strText,[nSecondsToWait],[strTitle],[nType]) >>>> BtnCode=WshShell.Popup("Do you want to close the 'Pass-Thru-Data >>>> Window' ?",7,"Option to Close the Pass-Thru-Data Window",4+32) >>>> >>>> Select Case BtnCode >>>> Case 6 >>>> subCloseHiddenWindow >>>> Case 7 >>>> >>>> Case -1 >>>> WScript.Echo"Isthereanybodyoutthere?" >>>> End Select >>>> >>>> >>>> 'subCloseHiddenWindow >>>> >>>> >>>> '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>> >>>> >>>> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>> >>>> '*'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>> '* BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub >>>> '*' >>>> BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub '*' >>>> '*'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>> Sub subShowInHtmlWindow(strWindowPassThruBodyTexte, >>>> strWindowPassThruTitlee, >>>> blnVisibleTFe) >>>> Dim strText >>>> >>>> strWindowPassThruBodyText = strWindowPassThruBodyTexte >>>> strWindowPassThruTitle = strWindowPassThruTitlee >>>> blnVisibleTF = blnVisibleTFe >>>> >>>> Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") >>>> objIE.Navigate("about:blank") >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> g_strWindowHandle = objIE.hwnd >>>> >>>> Set objDoc = objIE.Document.Body >>>> strHTML = strWindowPassThruBodyText >>>> objDoc.InnerHTML = strHTML >>>> objIE.Document.Title = strWindowPassThruTitle >>>> MsgBox "Line 104: " & >>>> >>>> ' While blnDataHarvested = False >>>> ' fnSleep(1) >>>> ' Wend >>>> 'MsgBox strText >>>> >>>> 'MsgBox objIE.FullName >>>> strMsgBoxMsg = objIE.LocationName & vbCrLf & _ >>>> objIE.LocationURL '& vbCrLf & _ >>>> 'objIE.Document( >>>> 'MsgBox strMsgBoxMsg >>>> objIE.Visible = blnVisibleTF ' False True ' False >>>> >>>> objIE.statusbar = True ' False True ' False >>>> 'objIE.StatusBar = 0 >>>> objIE.addressbar = True ' False True ' False >>>> 'objIE.ToolBar = 0 >>>> objIE.ToolBar = False ' False True ' False >>>> objIE.resizable = True ' False True ' False >>>> objIE.height = 230 >>>> objIE.width = 400 >>>> 'subAppActivateWindow("Date String") >>>> >>>> End Sub 'subShowInHtmlWindow >>>> >>>> '*'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>> '* END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub >>>> '*' >>>> END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub >>>> '*'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>> >>>> >>>> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>> >>>> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>> >>>> Function fnHarvestGetIEWindowText(sTitle) >>>> ' >>>> >>>> ' How to "harvest" the contents of a hidden or "about blank" webpage in >>>> VBScript .2010.06.28. >>>> ' >>>> >>>> >>>> 'MsgBox fnHarvestGetIEWindowText("Date String") >>>> >>>> Dim IE, stype >>>> >>>> For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows >>>> sType = typename(IE.document) >>>> If InStr(1, sType,"htmldocument", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then >>>> If instr(1, IE.document.title, sTitle, vbTextCompare) = 1 Then >>>> 'fnHarvestGetIEWindowText = IE.document.innerText >>>> fnHarvestGetIEWindowText = IE.document.body.innerText >>>> Exit Function >>>> End If >>>> End If >>>> Next >>>> >>>> End Function ' fnHarvestGetIEWindowText >>>> >>>> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>> >>>> Sub fnSleep(strSeconds) ' >>>> Dim objShell >>>> Dim strCmd >>>> set objShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell") >>>> >>>> 'cmdline = "mshta.exe """ & currentDirectory & "child.hta"" """ & >>>> login.value & """ """ & password.Value & """" >>>> 'objShell.Run cmdline,1,False >>>> >>>> strCmd = "%COMSPEC% /c ping -n " & strSeconds & ">nul" >>>> objShell.Run strCmd,0,1 >>>> End Sub >>>> >>>> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>> >>>> Sub subCloseHiddenWindow >>>> >>>> ' >>>> ' TODO: Keep looking for a way to get: (1) the PID of the Window, >>>> >>>> >>>> Set sa = CreateObject("Shell.Application") >>>> Set windows = sa.Windows() >>>> For Each window in >>>> If left(window.LocationUrl, 5) <> "file:" Then >>>> 'MsgBox window.hwnd >>>> ' logic for selecting windows goes here >>>> If StrComp(window.hwnd, g_strWindowHandle, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then >>>> If window.locationUrl = "about:blank" Then >>>> 'TO DO: verify that the window you're closing is the one that >>>> ' contains the text you just exported to a window. >>>> 'strWindowContents = window.document.body.innerText >>>> window.Quit() >>>> End If >>>> End If >>>> End If 'If left(window.LocationUrl, 5) <> "file:" Then >>>> Next >>>> >>>> End Sub ' >>>> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> -- >>>> MarceepooNu >>>> >>>> >>>> "Tom Lavedas" wrote: >>>> >>>>> On Jun 29, 8:15 am, Tom Lavedas <tglba...(a)> wrote: >>>>> > On Jun 28, 10:27 pm, MarceepooNu <mbh2...(a)> wrote: >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> > >>>>> > > Dear Tom: >>>>> > >>>>> > > Here's the error message I get when I try to do what you >>>>> > > suggested: >>>>> > >>>>> > > strTitle = "Date String" >>>>> > > MsgBox GetIEWindowText(strTitle) >>>>> > > '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>>> > > Function GetIEWindowText(sTitle) >>>>> > > Dim IE, stype >>>>> > >>>>> > > For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows >>>>> > > sType = typename(IE.document) >>>>> > > if instr(sType,"htmldocument", 1, vbTextCompare) <> 0 then >>>>> > >>>>> > > ' the next line triggers the following error message: >>>>> > > 'Column: 1; Error: Object doesn't support this >>>>> > > property or method: >>>>> > > 'IE.document.title' >>>>> > > 'Code: 800A01B6 ; Source: Microsoft VBScript runtime >>>>> > > error >>>>> > > if instr(IE.document.title, sTitle, 1, vbTextCompare) = 1 >>>>> > > then >>>>> > > GetIEWindowText = IE.document.innerText >>>>> > > exit function >>>>> > > end if >>>>> > > end if >>>>> > > Next >>>>> > >>>>> > > end function ' GetIEWindowText >>>>> > >>>>> > > I apologize for not being able to find the fix. I spent almost >>>>> > > two hours >>>>> > > trying, before I imposed on your time again by asking for more >>>>> > > help. (I >>>>> > > mention this so that you won't feel that I'm imposing on your time >>>>> > > whimsically, i.e., I did try.) >>>>> > >>>>> > > 1. When you post the fix, could you include some info about where >>>>> > > I could >>>>> > > learn why the solution works? >>>>> > >>>>> > > 2. Is there a good book or url you can suggest where I could >>>>> > > learn more >>>>> > > about scripting Internet Explorer and how to use the DOM? I find >>>>> > > IE >>>>> > > scripting extraordinarily obscure, as compared with >>>>> > > filesystemobject >>>>> > > scripting, for which the documentation and tutorials seem much >>>>> > > more >>>>> > > accessible .... to me. I don't know where to go to learn that >>>>> > > stuff. >>>>> > >>>>> > > Thanks again, >>>>> > >>>>> > > MarceepooNu >>>>> > > -- >>>>> > > MarceepooNu >>>>> > >>>>> > > "Tom Lavedas" wrote: >>>>> > > > On Jun 28, 2:35 pm, MarceepooNu <mbh2...(a)> wrote: >>>>> > > > > I sometimes use the Sub (shown below) named: >>>>> > > > > "subShowInHtmlWindow(strTexte)" >>>>> > > > > to >>>>> > > > > report the output from a script to an html window. >>>>> > >>>>> > > > > I'd love to send an argument from script A to script B, and >>>>> > > > > have Sript A >>>>> > > > > harvest >>>>> > > > > the output from Script B, and assign the output to a >>>>> > > > > variable, for further >>>>> > > > > computation. >>>>> > >>>>> > > > > I came across the Sub (shown below) named: >>>>> > > > > "subListTheContentsOfaWebPage", >>>>> > > > > which >>>>> > > > > would serve as a way to harvest Script B's output, if I >>>>> > > > > could make Script B >>>>> > > > > work properly where the Window has a "phony" url, i.e., >>>>> > > > > "about:blank" >>>>> > >>>>> > > > > If anyone has any ideas about how to "harvest" the contents of >>>>> > > > > a hidden or >>>>> > > > > "about blank" webpage, I'd appreciate it very much. >>>>> > >>>>> > > > > Thank you for your time, consideration and effort, >>>>> > >>>>> > > > > MarceepooNu >>>>> > > > > {snip} >>>>> > >>>>> > > > Try something like this instead ... >>>>> > >>>>> > > > Function GetIEWindowText(sTitle) >>>>> > > > Dim IE, stype >>>>> > >>>>> > > > For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows >>>>> > > > sType = typename(IE.document) >>>>> > > > if instr(sType,"htmldocument", 1, vbTextCompare) <> 0 then >>>>> > > > if instr(IE.document.title, sTitle, 1, vbTextCompare) = 1 >>>>> > > > then >>>>> > > > GetIEWindowText = IE.document.innerText >>>>> > > > exit function >>>>> > > > end if >>>>> > > > end if >>>>> > > > Next >>>>> > >>>>> > > > end function ' GetIEWindowText >>>>> > >>>>> > > > Just supply the title of IE window B, as created by Script B and >>>>> > > > it >>>>> > > > will return the text found in that window at the time the >>>>> > > > request is >>>>> > > > issued. For example, ... >>>>> > >>>>> > > > sText_B = GetIEWindowText("about:blank") >>>>> > >>>>> > > > It will return the contents of the first window it finds. If >>>>> > > > the >>>>> > > > result is empty, the second window was not found. The window >>>>> > > > does NOT >>>>> > > > have to be visible. >>>>> > > > _____________________ >>>>> > > > Tom Lavedas >>>>> > >>>>> > Sorry. As Mayayana said, it was 'air code' and the error in the >>>>> > InStr() syntax is probably the whole problem with the routine. That >>>>> > is because it causes lines of code that should not be executed to be >>>>> > executed. Try the correct syntax and see if that fixes the >>>>> > problem ... >>>>> > >>>>> > Function GetIEWindowText(sTitle) >>>>> > Dim IE, stype >>>>> > >>>>> > For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows >>>>> > sType = typename(IE.document) >>>>> > if instr(1, sType,"htmldocument", vbTextCompare) <> 0 then >>>>> > if instr(1, IE.document.title, sTitle, vbTextCompare) = 1 then >>>>> > GetIEWindowText = IE.document.innerText >>>>> > exit function >>>>> > end if >>>>> > end if >>>>> > Next >>>>> > >>>>> > end function ' GetIEWindowText >>>>> > >>>>> > Regarding information on using IE DOM, this is the reference I use, >>>>> > though it is not particularly tutorial, it is useful, >>>>> > sometimes: >>>>> > ________________________ >>>>> > Tom Lavedas >>>>> >>>>> Sorry, there's still one more error. This line ... >>>>> >>>>> GetIEWindowText = IE.document.innerText >>>>> >>>>> should read ... >>>>> >>>>> GetIEWindowText = IE.document.body.innerText >>>>> ________________________ >>>>> Tom Lavedas >>>>> . >>>>>I admit your command. >>> >>> >> >> > >
From: Kenneth A. Larsen on 8 Aug 2010 10:52 "Kenneth A. Larsen" <kuhlpc#2(a)> wrote in message news:enf%23KjwNLHA.5984(a)TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl... > > "Kenneth A. Larsen" <LarsenK(a)> wrote in message > news:O0YdvzjNLHA.432(a)TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl... >> >> "Kenneth A. Larsen" <LarsenK(a)> wrote in message >> news:eOicYUbNLHA.6100(a)TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... >>> >>> "Kenneth A. Larsen" <kuhlpc#2(a)> wrote in message >>> news:eDQjCTbNLHA.1868(a)TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl... >>>> >>>> "MarceepooNu" <mbh2010(a)> wrote in message >>>> news:B6BDEC51-6359-4BED-9501-B47FA805DF05(a) >>>>> Thank you. Thank you. Thank you >>>>> >>>>> to all of you, and especially you, Tom, and especically you, >>>>> Mayayana for >>>>> your help on this "project" of mine. >>>>> >>>>> FYI, Here's my version, which incorporates the use of the Hwnd, to >>>>> avoid >>>>> killing the wrong window: >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> 'I sometimes use the Sub (shown below) named: >>>>> "subShowInHtmlWindow(strTexte)" to >>>>> ' report the output from a script to an html window. >>>>> >>>>> 'I use variations on this code to send an argument from script A to >>>>> script >>>>> B, and to have Sript A harvest >>>>> ' the output from Script B, and assign the output to a variable, for >>>>> further >>>>> ' computation. >>>>> >>>>> Public blnDataHarvest >>>>> Public g_strWindowHandle >>>>> >>>>> blnDataHarvested = False >>>>> >>>>> strWindowPassThruBodyText = "Harvey: " & Now >>>>> strWindowPassThruTitle = "WindowPassThru" >>>>> >>>>> subShowInHtmlWindow strWindowPassThruBodyText, strWindowPassThruTitle, >>>>> True >>>>> ' False True ' False >>>>> 'subShowInHtmlWindow strWindowPassThruBodyText, >>>>> strWindowPassThruTitle, >>>>> False ' False True ' False >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> MsgBox "Line 60: The following info was sent to an InternetExplorer >>>>> Web >>>>> page: " & _ >>>>> "strWindowPassThruBodyText = Harvey: " & Now & vbCrLf & _ >>>>> vbCrLf & _ >>>>> "The follow info was harvested from an InternetExplorer Web page: " & >>>>> _ >>>>> vbCrLf & vbCrLf & fnHarvestGetIEWindowText(strWindowPassThruTitle) & " >>>>> " & >>>>> "Hi" >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> '* object.Popup Method >>>>> '* ValueDescriptionButtonTypes >>>>> '* 0ShowOKbutton. >>>>> '* 1ShowOKandCancelbuttons. >>>>> '* 2ShowAbort,Retry,andIgnorebuttons. >>>>> '* 3ShowYes,No,andCancelbuttons. >>>>> '* 4ShowYesandNobuttons. >>>>> '* 5ShowRetryandCancelbuttons. >>>>> '* >>>>> '* IconTypesValueDescription >>>>> '* 16Show"StopMark"icon. >>>>> '* 32Show"QuestionMark"icon. >>>>> '* 48Show"ExclamationMark"icon. >>>>> '* 64Show"InformationMark"icon. >>>>> '* >>>>> '* TheprevioustwotablesdonotcoverallvaluesfornType. >>>>> '* Foracompletelist,seetheMicrosoftWin32documentation. >>>>> '* >>>>> '* ThereturnvalueintButtondenotesthenumberofthebuttonthat >>>>> '* theuserclicked. >>>>> '* IftheuserdoesnotclickabuttonbeforenSecondsToWaitseconds, >>>>> '* intButtonissetto-1. >>>>> '* >>>>> '* RetValueDescription >>>>> '* 1OKbutton >>>>> '* 2Cancelbutton >>>>> '* 3Abortbutton >>>>> '* 4Retrybutton >>>>> '* 5Ignorebutton >>>>> '* 6Yesbutton >>>>> '* 7Nobutton >>>>> '* >>>>> '* EXAMPLE >>>>> '* Dim WshShell >>>>> Dim BtnCode >>>>> Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >>>>> 'intButton = >>>>> object.Popup(strText,[nSecondsToWait],[strTitle],[nType]) >>>>> BtnCode=WshShell.Popup("Do you want to close the 'Pass-Thru-Data >>>>> Window' ?",7,"Option to Close the Pass-Thru-Data Window",4+32) >>>>> >>>>> Select Case BtnCode >>>>> Case 6 >>>>> subCloseHiddenWindow >>>>> Case 7 >>>>> >>>>> Case -1 >>>>> WScript.Echo"Isthereanybodyoutthere?" >>>>> End Select >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> 'subCloseHiddenWindow >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>>> >>>>> '*'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>>> '* BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub >>>>> '*' >>>>> BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub '*' BEGIN_Sub '*' >>>>> '*'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>>> Sub subShowInHtmlWindow(strWindowPassThruBodyTexte, >>>>> strWindowPassThruTitlee, >>>>> blnVisibleTFe) >>>>> Dim strText >>>>> >>>>> strWindowPassThruBodyText = strWindowPassThruBodyTexte >>>>> strWindowPassThruTitle = strWindowPassThruTitlee >>>>> blnVisibleTF = blnVisibleTFe >>>>> >>>>> Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") >>>>> objIE.Navigate("about:blank") >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> g_strWindowHandle = objIE.hwnd >>>>> >>>>> Set objDoc = objIE.Document.Body >>>>> strHTML = strWindowPassThruBodyText >>>>> objDoc.InnerHTML = strHTML >>>>> objIE.Document.Title = strWindowPassThruTitle >>>>> MsgBox "Line 104: " & >>>>> >>>>> ' While blnDataHarvested = False >>>>> ' fnSleep(1) >>>>> ' Wend >>>>> 'MsgBox strText >>>>> >>>>> 'MsgBox objIE.FullName >>>>> strMsgBoxMsg = objIE.LocationName & vbCrLf & _ >>>>> objIE.LocationURL '& vbCrLf & _ >>>>> 'objIE.Document( >>>>> 'MsgBox strMsgBoxMsg >>>>> objIE.Visible = blnVisibleTF ' False True ' False >>>>> >>>>> objIE.statusbar = True ' False True ' False >>>>> 'objIE.StatusBar = 0 >>>>> objIE.addressbar = True ' False True ' False >>>>> 'objIE.ToolBar = 0 >>>>> objIE.ToolBar = False ' False True ' False >>>>> objIE.resizable = True ' False True ' False >>>>> objIE.height = 230 >>>>> objIE.width = 400 >>>>> 'subAppActivateWindow("Date String") >>>>> >>>>> End Sub 'subShowInHtmlWindow >>>>> >>>>> '*'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>>> '* END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub >>>>> '*' >>>>> END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub '*' END_Sub >>>>> '*'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>>> >>>>> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>>> >>>>> Function fnHarvestGetIEWindowText(sTitle) >>>>> ' >>>>> >>>>> ' How to "harvest" the contents of a hidden or "about blank" webpage >>>>> in >>>>> VBScript .2010.06.28. >>>>> ' >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> 'MsgBox fnHarvestGetIEWindowText("Date String") >>>>> >>>>> Dim IE, stype >>>>> >>>>> For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows >>>>> sType = typename(IE.document) >>>>> If InStr(1, sType,"htmldocument", vbTextCompare) <> 0 Then >>>>> If instr(1, IE.document.title, sTitle, vbTextCompare) = 1 Then >>>>> 'fnHarvestGetIEWindowText = IE.document.innerText >>>>> fnHarvestGetIEWindowText = IE.document.body.innerText >>>>> Exit Function >>>>> End If >>>>> End If >>>>> Next >>>>> >>>>> End Function ' fnHarvestGetIEWindowText >>>>> >>>>> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>>> >>>>> Sub fnSleep(strSeconds) ' >>>>> Dim objShell >>>>> Dim strCmd >>>>> set objShell = CreateObject("wscript.Shell") >>>>> >>>>> 'cmdline = "mshta.exe """ & currentDirectory & "child.hta"" """ & >>>>> login.value & """ """ & password.Value & """" >>>>> 'objShell.Run cmdline,1,False >>>>> >>>>> strCmd = "%COMSPEC% /c ping -n " & strSeconds & ">nul" >>>>> objShell.Run strCmd,0,1 >>>>> End Sub >>>>> >>>>> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>>> >>>>> Sub subCloseHiddenWindow >>>>> >>>>> ' >>>>> ' TODO: Keep looking for a way to get: (1) the PID of the Window, >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> Set sa = CreateObject("Shell.Application") >>>>> Set windows = sa.Windows() >>>>> For Each window in >>>>> If left(window.LocationUrl, 5) <> "file:" Then >>>>> 'MsgBox window.hwnd >>>>> ' logic for selecting windows goes here >>>>> If StrComp(window.hwnd, g_strWindowHandle, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then >>>>> If window.locationUrl = "about:blank" Then >>>>> 'TO DO: verify that the window you're closing is the one that >>>>> ' contains the text you just exported to a window. >>>>> 'strWindowContents = window.document.body.innerText >>>>> window.Quit() >>>>> End If >>>>> End If >>>>> End If 'If left(window.LocationUrl, 5) <> "file:" Then >>>>> Next >>>>> >>>>> End Sub ' >>>>> ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> -- >>>>> MarceepooNu >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> "Tom Lavedas" wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> On Jun 29, 8:15 am, Tom Lavedas <tglba...(a)> wrote: >>>>>> > On Jun 28, 10:27 pm, MarceepooNu <mbh2...(a)> wrote: >>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > Dear Tom: >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > Here's the error message I get when I try to do what you >>>>>> > > suggested: >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > strTitle = "Date String" >>>>>> > > MsgBox GetIEWindowText(strTitle) >>>>>> > > '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' >>>>>> > > Function GetIEWindowText(sTitle) >>>>>> > > Dim IE, stype >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows >>>>>> > > sType = typename(IE.document) >>>>>> > > if instr(sType,"htmldocument", 1, vbTextCompare) <> 0 then >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > ' the next line triggers the following error message: >>>>>> > > 'Column: 1; Error: Object doesn't support this >>>>>> > > property or method: >>>>>> > > 'IE.document.title' >>>>>> > > 'Code: 800A01B6 ; Source: Microsoft VBScript >>>>>> > > runtime error >>>>>> > > if instr(IE.document.title, sTitle, 1, vbTextCompare) = 1 >>>>>> > > then >>>>>> > > GetIEWindowText = IE.document.innerText >>>>>> > > exit function >>>>>> > > end if >>>>>> > > end if >>>>>> > > Next >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > end function ' GetIEWindowText >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > I apologize for not being able to find the fix. I spent almost >>>>>> > > two hours >>>>>> > > trying, before I imposed on your time again by asking for more >>>>>> > > help. (I >>>>>> > > mention this so that you won't feel that I'm imposing on your >>>>>> > > time >>>>>> > > whimsically, i.e., I did try.) >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > 1. When you post the fix, could you include some info about >>>>>> > > where I could >>>>>> > > learn why the solution works? >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > 2. Is there a good book or url you can suggest where I could >>>>>> > > learn more >>>>>> > > about scripting Internet Explorer and how to use the DOM? I find >>>>>> > > IE >>>>>> > > scripting extraordinarily obscure, as compared with >>>>>> > > filesystemobject >>>>>> > > scripting, for which the documentation and tutorials seem much >>>>>> > > more >>>>>> > > accessible .... to me. I don't know where to go to learn that >>>>>> > > stuff. >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > Thanks again, >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > MarceepooNu >>>>>> > > -- >>>>>> > > MarceepooNu >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > "Tom Lavedas" wrote: >>>>>> > > > On Jun 28, 2:35 pm, MarceepooNu <mbh2...(a)> wrote: >>>>>> > > > > I sometimes use the Sub (shown below) named: >>>>>> > > > > "subShowInHtmlWindow(strTexte)" >>>>>> > > > > to >>>>>> > > > > report the output from a script to an html window. >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > > > I'd love to send an argument from script A to script B, and >>>>>> > > > > have Sript A >>>>>> > > > > harvest >>>>>> > > > > the output from Script B, and assign the output to a >>>>>> > > > > variable, for further >>>>>> > > > > computation. >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > > > I came across the Sub (shown below) named: >>>>>> > > > > "subListTheContentsOfaWebPage", >>>>>> > > > > which >>>>>> > > > > would serve as a way to harvest Script B's output, if I >>>>>> > > > > could make Script B >>>>>> > > > > work properly where the Window has a "phony" url, i.e., >>>>>> > > > > "about:blank" >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > > > If anyone has any ideas about how to "harvest" the contents >>>>>> > > > > of a hidden or >>>>>> > > > > "about blank" webpage, I'd appreciate it very much. >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > > > Thank you for your time, consideration and effort, >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > > > MarceepooNu >>>>>> > > > > {snip} >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > > Try something like this instead ... >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > > Function GetIEWindowText(sTitle) >>>>>> > > > Dim IE, stype >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > > For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows >>>>>> > > > sType = typename(IE.document) >>>>>> > > > if instr(sType,"htmldocument", 1, vbTextCompare) <> 0 then >>>>>> > > > if instr(IE.document.title, sTitle, 1, vbTextCompare) = 1 >>>>>> > > > then >>>>>> > > > GetIEWindowText = IE.document.innerText >>>>>> > > > exit function >>>>>> > > > end if >>>>>> > > > end if >>>>>> > > > Next >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > > end function ' GetIEWindowText >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > > Just supply the title of IE window B, as created by Script B >>>>>> > > > and it >>>>>> > > > will return the text found in that window at the time the >>>>>> > > > request is >>>>>> > > > issued. For example, ... >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > > sText_B = GetIEWindowText("about:blank") >>>>>> > >>>>>> > > > It will return the contents of the first window it finds. If >>>>>> > > > the >>>>>> > > > result is empty, the second window was not found. The window >>>>>> > > > does NOT >>>>>> > > > have to be visible. >>>>>> > > > _____________________ >>>>>> > > > Tom Lavedas >>>>>> > >>>>>> > Sorry. As Mayayana said, it was 'air code' and the error in the >>>>>> > InStr() syntax is probably the whole problem with the routine. >>>>>> > That >>>>>> > is because it causes lines of code that should not be executed to >>>>>> > be >>>>>> > executed. Try the correct syntax and see if that fixes the >>>>>> > problem ... >>>>>> > >>>>>> > Function GetIEWindowText(sTitle) >>>>>> > Dim IE, stype >>>>>> > >>>>>> > For Each IE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").windows >>>>>> > sType = typename(IE.document) >>>>>> > if instr(1, sType,"htmldocument", vbTextCompare) <> 0 then >>>>>> > if instr(1, IE.document.title, sTitle, vbTextCompare) = 1 >>>>>> > then >>>>>> > GetIEWindowText = IE.document.innerText >>>>>> > exit function >>>>>> > end if >>>>>> > end if >>>>>> > Next >>>>>> > >>>>>> > end function ' GetIEWindowText >>>>>> > >>>>>> > Regarding information on using IE DOM, this is the reference I use, >>>>>> > though it is not particularly tutorial, it is useful, >>>>>> > sometimes: >>>>>> > ________________________ >>>>>> > Tom Lavedas >>>>>> >>>>>> Sorry, there's still one more error. This line ... >>>>>> >>>>>> GetIEWindowText = IE.document.innerText >>>>>> >>>>>> should read ... >>>>>> >>>>>> GetIEWindowText = IE.document.body.innerText >>>>>> ________________________ >>>>>> Tom Lavedas >>>>>> . >>>>>>I admit your command. >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >> >> > >
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