From: Aui on
Thank you Justus.

Actually, I want to apply on matrix and the code is just for example.

The real one is

F_mb = G./((D <= 500).*H1);
F_mb = G./((D > 500).*H2);

where D, G, H1 and H2 is matrix with the same size.

I just would like to combine them into a single line. Is that possible.
From: Aui on
Well, actually, the above code is that I would like to avoid divided by zeros.

but the above code is still incorrect.

My goal is that I would like to divide G with H only the position that H element is not zeros so that will not produce divided by zero problem.

F_mb = G./((H1 ~= 0).*H1);

but in this case, even H1 is 0, it still divided by zeros.
From: Matt Fig on
In this thread you seem to be unclear as to what exactly you want. Does this do it?

F_mb = H1~=0;
F_mb = G(F_mb)./H1(F_mb)

This *could* be done in one line, but it wouldn't be as efficient.
From: Aui on
Hello, Matt Fig,

Thank you. It seems to produce what I want but the dimension of the result matrix change!!!! How can I keep the same dimension?

I applied your code for testing a small size matrix
F_mb = H1~=0;
F_mb = G(F_mb)./H1(F_mb)


>> G = [2 2; 4 4];
>> H1 = [0 0; 10 10];
>> F_mb = H1~=0

F_mb =

0 0
1 1

>> F_mb = G(F_mb)./H1(F_mb)

F_mb =



What I expect the result should be
F_mb =
2 2
0.4000 0.4000

Thank you
From: Matt Fig on
Well that does add a little bit of complication doesn't it?

% Data
G = [2 2; 4 4];
H1 = [0 0; 10 10];

% Engine
F_mb = G;
idx = H1~=0;
F_mb(idx) = G(idx)./H1(idx)