From: Eric on 31 Jan 2010 04:51 Does anyone have any suggestions on how to load specific range of data from html into excel? For example, I would like to load this link into excel, but this page is too long, and the limitation of row for excel is 66536, so the specific section of html cannot be loaded, does anyone have any suggestions on how to load the specific section (short_selling) of html into excel? Thanks in advance for any suggestions Eric
From: Peter T on 1 Feb 2010 11:20 That's a 6+mb file, not practical to try a webQuery. There are probably different approaches, the following one goes something like this - start downloading the file to memory in chunks look for the 2nd "short_selling" (pos2) then look for "Total" (pos3) Start adding chunks from Total to a big string Stop when "-------" is found (pos4) Split the big string and dump to cells Might want to do a bit more to put all the values in a table, but that's the easy part which I'll leave to you. This is very much bespoke, things could easily change which would require the code to be modified. As of time of posting seems to work well, particularly bearing in mind the size of the file Const INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG = 0 Const INTERNET_FLAG_EXISTING_CONNECT = &H20000000 Private Declare Function InternetOpen Lib "wininet.dll" Alias _ "InternetOpenA" ( _ ByVal lpszAgent As String, _ ByVal dwAccessType As Long, _ ByVal lpszProxy As String, _ ByVal lpszProxyBypass As String, _ ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long Private Declare Function InternetOpenUrl Lib "wininet.dll" Alias _ "InternetOpenUrlA" ( _ ByVal hInternet As Long, _ ByVal lpszUrl As String, _ ByVal lpszHeaders As String, _ ByVal dwHeadersLength As Long, _ ByVal dwFlags As Long, _ ByRef dwContext As Long) As Long Private Declare Function InternetCloseHandle Lib "wininet.dll" ( _ ByRef hInternet As Long) As Boolean ' byref or byval ?? Private Declare Function InternetReadFile Lib "wininet.dll" ( _ ByVal hFile As Long, _ ByVal lpBuffer As String, _ ByVal dwNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, _ ByRef lpdwNumberOfBytesRead As Long) As Integer '' note ByVal lpBuffer As String, not ByRef as Any which can crash Sub Short_selling_To_Cells() Dim bGrab As Boolean Dim iRes As Integer Dim i As Long, nLen As Long Dim pos1 As Long, pos2 As Long, pos3 As Long, pos4 As Long Dim hInternetSession As Long, hUrl As Long Dim nBytes As Long Dim Buffer As String Dim bigBuffer As String Dim sErr As String Dim arr() As String Dim cnt As Long Const cURL As String = "" Const cANC As String = "short_selling" On Error GoTo errH Range("A:F").Clear '' assumes IE installed hInternetSession = InternetOpen("IExpore.exe", _ INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, _ vbNullString, vbNullString, 0) If hInternetSession = 0 Then Err.Raise 10100 hUrl = InternetOpenUrl(hInternetSession, cURL, vbNullString, _ 0, INTERNET_FLAG_EXISTING_CONNECT, 0) If hUrl = 0 Then Err.Raise 10200 Buffer = Space(4096) bigBuffer = Space(4096& * 8) Do iRes = InternetReadFile(hUrl, Buffer, Len(Buffer), nBytes) If nBytes = 0 Or iRes = 0 Then Exit Do If bGrab = False Then If pos1 = 0 Then pos1 = InStr(1, Buffer, cANC, vbTextCompare) If pos1 And pos1 < 4096 Then pos2 = InStr(pos1 + 1, Buffer, cANC, vbTextCompare) End If ElseIf pos2 = 0 Then pos2 = InStr(1, Buffer, cANC, vbTextCompare) If pos2 And pos2 < 4096 Then pos3 = InStr(pos2 + 1, Buffer, "Total", vbTextCompare) End If ElseIf pos2 Then pos3 = InStr(1, Buffer, "Total") + 1 End If If pos3 Then bGrab = True If pos3 < (4096) Then Buffer = Mid$(Buffer, pos3, Len(Buffer)) End If End If End If If bGrab Then pos4 = InStr(1, Buffer, "----------") If pos4 Then Buffer = Left$(Buffer, pos4 - 1) End If If nLen + Len(Buffer) > Len(bigBuffer) Then bigBuffer = bigBuffer & Space(4096& * 8) End If Mid$(bigBuffer, nLen + 1, Len(Buffer)) = Buffer nLen = nLen + Len(Buffer) If pos4 Then Exit Do End If End If Loop If bGrab Then bigBuffer = Left$(bigBuffer, nLen) arr = Split(bigBuffer, vbCrLf) With Range("A1:A" & UBound(arr) + 1) .Font.Name = "Courier New" ' .Value = arr End With For i = 0 To UBound(arr) Cells(i + 1, 1) = arr(i) Next End If done: If hUrl Then InternetCloseHandle hUrl If hInternetSession Then InternetCloseHandle hInternetSession Exit Sub errH: Select Case Erl Case 10100 sErr = "Error calling InternetOpen" Case 10200 sErr = "Error calling InternetOpenUrl function" Case Else sErr = Err.Description End Select MsgBox sErr ' Stop ' Resume Resume done End Sub Regards, Peter T "Eric" <Eric(a)> wrote in message news:9F561F63-307C-47C1-9C6F-BFD0A59173E7(a) > Does anyone have any suggestions on how to load specific range of data > from > html into excel? > For example, > > I would like to load this link into excel, but this page is too long, and > the limitation of row for excel is 66536, so the specific section of html > cannot be loaded, does anyone have any suggestions on how to load the > specific section (short_selling) of html into excel? > Thanks in advance for any suggestions > Eric
From: Matthew Herbert on 1 Feb 2010 12:35 On Jan 31, 2:51 am, Eric <E...(a)> wrote: > Does anyone have any suggestions on how to load specific range of data from > html into excel? > For example, > I would like to load this link into excel, but this page is too long, and > the limitation of row for excel is 66536, so the specific section of html > cannot be loaded, does anyone have any suggestions on how to load the > specific section (short_selling) of html into excel? > Thanks in advance for any suggestions > Eric Eric, Here is another way to get the data using XML. The macro "GetShortData" will put the data onto the ActiveSheet, anchored in A1. Best, Matthew Herbert Sub GetShortData() Dim strRes As String Dim strFind1 As String Dim strFind2 As String Dim lngPosStart As Long Dim lngPosEnd As Long Dim varArr As Variant Dim Rng As Range Const c_strURL As String = " d100114e.htm" strRes = GetXMLHTTP(c_strURL) strFind1 = "SHORT SELLING TURNOVER - DAILY REPORT" strFind2 = "PREVIOUS DAY'S ADJUSTED SHORT SELLING TURNOVER" 'get the second instance of strFind1 lngPosStart = InStr(1, strRes, strFind1) lngPosStart = InStr(lngPosStart + 1, strRes, strFind1) lngPosEnd = InStr(lngPosStart, strRes, strFind2) strRes = Mid(strRes, lngPosStart, lngPosEnd - lngPosStart) varArr = Split(strRes, vbCrLf) Set Rng = ActiveSheet.Range("A1") Set Rng = Range(Rng, Rng.Offset(UBound(varArr), 0)) Rng.Value = Application.Transpose(varArr) End Sub Function GetXMLHTTP(strURL As String) As String Dim objXMLHTTP As Object Dim strText As String If strURL = "" Then GetXMLHTTP = "" Exit Function End If Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") With objXMLHTTP .Open "GET", strURL, False .Send strText = .responseText End With If objXMLHTTP.statusText = "OK" Then GetXMLHTTP = strText Else GetXMLHTTP = "" End If End Function
From: Eric on 1 Feb 2010 20:06 Thank everyone very much for suggestions Eric
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