From: Wayne Uroda on

I am currently working closely with USB on the WM5 platform. My application
requries that the USB function on the device uses the Serial_Class driver
(which is found under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/drivers/USB/FunctionDrivers or
something like that). There is a setting in that key which controls which
Function driver is loaded by default, and if I change this from RNDIS to
Serial_Class, then my application works perfectly. The only downfall is that
I can no longer hotsync (I have seen other devices hotsync after removing
RNDIS however not all will). For this reason, I require a way to
programatically change which USB Function driver is running.

Does anybody know how to unload a driver from the Active drivers and load
another in its place? An interesting thing to note is the program called
'Modem Link' which is distributed with most WM5 devices I've seen. This can
programatically switch between RNDIS and USBSER_Class, which turns the PDA
into a USB modem. I have not been able to find any information about how it
operates though. Source code would be immensely useful.

Anybody know how to do it?

Many Thanks,
Wayne Uroda