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From: Javier on 1 Dec 2007 16:15 Hi, I need to move all the tables from the PRIMARY filegroup to a new one. I did script out all the non-clustered indexes, then I did drop them so new I do have all the tables wo non-clustered indexes (most of them still have pk,fk, constrains and clustered indexes) How can I move ALL of them to a new filegroup called FG_DATA? After that I will recreate non-clustered ones on another FG called FG_INDEX Thanks Javier
From: Linchi Shea on 1 Dec 2007 20:00 One way is to create or re-create their clustered indexes on the new filegroup. For instance to move table named junk from PRIMARY to FG_DATA: alter database test add filegroup FG_DATA; alter database test add file (name='test2', filename='c:\test2.dat') to filegroup FG_DATA -- if there is no clustered already, create a clustered index on FG_DATA create clustered index tmp_idx on junk(i) on FG_DATA; -- Now check if the user table has been moved to the new filegroup select distinct object_name(, filegroup_name(groupid) from sysindexes i, sysobjects o where = and o.type = 'U'; -- drop the clustered index if necessary Linchi "Javier" wrote: > Hi, > > I need to move all the tables from the PRIMARY filegroup to a new one. I did > script out all the non-clustered indexes, then I did drop them so new I do > have all the tables wo non-clustered indexes (most of them still have pk,fk, > constrains and clustered indexes) How can I move ALL of them to a new > filegroup called FG_DATA? After that I will recreate non-clustered ones on > another FG called FG_INDEX > > Thanks > Javier >
From: John Bell on 3 Dec 2007 03:37 Hi To add to Linci's post.. if you have text data (which may be the thing that uses up the most space!) moving the clustered index will not move this and you would have to create a new table and suck the data in then drop the original table and rename the new table. John "Javier" wrote: > Hi, > > I need to move all the tables from the PRIMARY filegroup to a new one. I did > script out all the non-clustered indexes, then I did drop them so new I do > have all the tables wo non-clustered indexes (most of them still have pk,fk, > constrains and clustered indexes) How can I move ALL of them to a new > filegroup called FG_DATA? After that I will recreate non-clustered ones on > another FG called FG_INDEX > > Thanks > Javier >
From: manu on 3 Dec 2007 07:50
Try this one on test data first: --select * from table1 /*USER PARAMETERS: @SourceFileGroupID @TargetFileGroupID @TableToMove @MovePKAndAllUniqueConstraints @MoveAllNonClusteredIndexes RESULTSET: NA RESULTSET SORT: NA USING TABLES/VIEWS: INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS sysindexes sysindexkeys sysreferences sysforeignkeys sysobjects REVISIONS DATE DEVELOPER DESCRIPTION OF REVISION VERSION ========= =============== ================================= =========== 04/18/2005 Omri Bahat Initial release 1.00 ================================================================================== Copyright © SQL Farms Solutions, All rights reserved. This code may be used at no charge as long as this copyright notice is not removed. ==================================================================================*/ SET NOCOUNT ON -- Note - @SourceFileGroupID and @TargetFileGroupID are the IDs of the -- source and destination file groups. If you are not sure what -- the IDs of your file groups are, simply run sp_helpfilegroup -- and look at the groupid column of the result set. DECLARE @SourceFileGroupID INT DECLARE @TargetFileGroupID INT DECLARE @TableToMove NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @MovePKAndAllUniqueConstraints BIT DECLARE @MoveAllNonClusteredIndexes BIT SET @SourceFileGroupID = 1 SET @TargetFileGroupID = 2 SET @TableToMove = '[mj]' SET @MovePKAndAllUniqueConstraints = 1 SET @MoveAllNonClusteredIndexes = 1 DECLARE @ScriptMsg NVARCHAR(512) DECLARE @DatabaseName SYSNAME DECLARE @ServerName SYSNAME DECLARE @TableHasCI BIT DECLARE @TableHasIdent BIT DECLARE @TableHasPK BIT DECLARE @TableHasUQ BIT DECLARE @File1Name NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @File2Name NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @IdentColName NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @ColList NVARCHAR(1024) DECLARE @indid NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @Type CHAR(2) DECLARE @KeyName NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @AssocFKeyName NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @FKTableName NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @CIName NVARCHAR(128) DECLARE @IsPadIndex BIT DECLARE @i INT DECLARE @j INT DECLARE @SQLStr NVARCHAR(4000) -- This temp table holds the column names of keys/constraints, and such. IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblColTable', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tblColTable CREATE TABLE #tblColTable ( Idx INT IDENTITY(1, 1), ColName NVARCHAR(128), IdxOrder CHAR(4)) -- This temp table is used to store the key/constraint properties -- of the moved table. IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblKeysTable', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tblKeysTable CREATE TABLE #tblKeysTable ( Idx INT IDENTITY(1, 1), KeyName NVARCHAR(128), indid INT, Type CHAR(2)) -- This temp table holds the foreign keys of the table. -- The SQLStmt column is used to build dynamic SQL statements -- that are related to these foreign keys. IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblFKTable', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tblFKTable CREATE TABLE #tblFKTable ( Idx INT IDENTITY(1, 1), ForeignTableName NVARCHAR(128), KeyName NVARCHAR(128), SQLStmt NVARCHAR(1024)) -- This temp table holds the colunms of the foriegn key of the table. IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblFKColTable', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tblFKColTable CREATE TABLE #tblFKColTable ( Idx INT IDENTITY(1, 1), ColName NVARCHAR(128), FOrP CHAR(1)) -- Get server and database names SET @ServerName = CAST(ISNULL(SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName'), 'Unknown') AS SYSNAME) SET @DatabaseName = db_name() -- Some basic verifications: -- 1. Check that file groups exist, and that the table exists. SET @File1Name = FILEGROUP_NAME(@SourceFileGroupID) IF @File1Name IS NULL BEGIN IF @SourceFileGroupID IS NULL SET @SourceFileGroupID = 'NULL' SET @ScriptMsg = N'The source file group ' + CAST(@SourceFileGroupID AS VARCHAR(64)) + N' does not exist on the database ' + @DatabaseName + N', on server ' + @ServerName + N'. Please provide a valid filegroup id.' RAISERROR(@ScriptMsg, 16, 1) RETURN END SET @File2Name = FILEGROUP_NAME(@TargetFileGroupID) IF @File2Name IS NULL BEGIN IF @TargetFileGroupID IS NULL SET @TargetFileGroupID = 'NULL' SET @ScriptMsg = N'The target file group ' + CAST(@TargetFileGroupID AS VARCHAR(64)) + N' does not exist on the database ' + @DatabaseName + N', on server ' + @ServerName + N'. Please provide a valid filegroup id.' RAISERROR(@ScriptMsg, 16, 1) RETURN END IF @SourceFileGroupID = @TargetFileGroupID BEGIN SET @ScriptMsg = N'The file groups provided are the same. This is not allow in this script.' RAISERROR(@ScriptMsg, 16, 1) RETURN END SET @TableToMove = LTRIM(RTRIM(@TableToMove)) IF RIGHT(@TableToMove, 1) = ']' SET @TableToMove = LEFT(@TableToMove, LEN(@TableToMove) - 1) IF LEFT(@TableToMove, 1) = '[' SET @TableToMove = RIGHT(@TableToMove, LEN(@TableToMove) - 1) -- Validate the table name and check that it exists in the system catalog. IF @TableToMove IS NULL OR @TableToMove = '' BEGIN SET @ScriptMsg = N'The table name provided in the script is either null or empty, on server ' + @ServerName + N' and database ' + @DatabaseName + N'. Please provide a valid table name.' RAISERROR(@ScriptMsg, 16, 1) RETURN END IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME = @TableToMove AND TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE') BEGIN SET @ScriptMsg = N'The table name provided in the script is not found in database ' + @DatabaseName + N', on server ' + @ServerName + N'. Please provide a valid table name.' RAISERROR(@ScriptMsg, 16, 1) RETURN END -- Check that the table is indeed defined on the source file group. IF (SELECT TOP 1 groupid FROM sysindexes WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove) and indid IN (0, 1)) <> @SourceFileGroupID BEGIN SET @ScriptMsg = N'The table ' + @TableToMove + ' is not found on filegroup ' + CAST(@SourceFileGroupID AS VARCHAR(32)) + N'. Please provide a valid table name and source file group.' RAISERROR(@ScriptMsg, 16, 1) RETURN END -- 2. Check that the target file group is not read-only. IF FILEGROUPPROPERTY(FILEGROUP_NAME(@TargetFileGroupID), 'IsReadOnly') = 1 BEGIN SET @ScriptMsg = N'The taget file group (i.e., with file group id = ' + CAST(@TargetFileGroupID AS VARCHAR(32)) + N') is read-only. Aborting table move.' RAISERROR(@ScriptMsg, 16, 1) RETURN END -- 3. If we have gotten this far, then it is ok to move the table to the -- requested filegroup. -- First thing first: Check whether the table has a clustered index. SET @TableHasCI = OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), 'TableHasClustIndex') -- If not - check whether the table has an identity column. -- If it does - apply the CI with the new filegroup on the identity column. -- Once done - remove the CI. If it does not - check whether the table has a primary -- key and apply the CI there on the new file group, and then drop the CI. -- If the table does not have an identity column, or a primary key, -- then a new identity column is created for the table and the CI -- is applied on it, and then the CI and the identity column are removed. -- This whole shabang is done in order to make the CI creation as fast as possible. -- The case where the table does not have a clustered index to begin with implies -- bad table design, and should not be common anyhow. IF @TableHasCI = 0 BEGIN SET @TableHasIdent = OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), 'TableHasIdentity') IF @TableHasIdent = 0 BEGIN SET @TableHasPK = OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), 'TableHasPrimaryKey') SET @TableHasUQ = OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), 'TableHasUniqueCnst') -- Only if the table has no PK/UQ or clustered index, then create an identity -- column on it. This new column will hold the CI. IF @TableHasPK = 0 AND @TableHasUQ = 0 BEGIN EXEC(N' ALTER TABLE [' + @TableToMove + N'] ADD [This_Is_My_Ident_Col_Name] BIGINT IDENTITY (1, 1) ') SET @IdentColName = 'This_Is_My_Ident_Col_Name' -- Apply the CI on the identity column. We don't create the CI -- as unique, since the identity column may be non-unique, -- due to reseeding. EXEC(N'CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [This_Is_My_Clsuetered_Index_Name] ON [' + @TableToMove + N']([' + @IdentColName + ']) ON [' + @File2Name + N']') -- The table is now moved -> Remove the CI. EXEC(N'DROP INDEX [' + @TableToMove + N'].[This_Is_My_Clsuetered_Index_Name]') -- Finally, remove the added identity column EXEC(N' ALTER TABLE [' + @TableToMove + N'] DROP COLUMN [This_Is_My_Ident_Col_Name] ') END ELSE BEGIN -- In this case, the table has a PK/UQ, so we might as well -- apply the CI on the column(s) of the PK/UQ. -- First, get the column(s) of the PK/UQ. SELECT @KeyName = CONSTRAINT_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE TABLE_NAME = @TableToMove AND CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'PRIMARY KEY' IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 SELECT TOP 1 @KeyName = CONSTRAINT_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE TABLE_NAME = @TableToMove AND CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'UNIQUE' -- The varialbe @KeyName now holds the name of the PK/UQ INSERT INTO #tblColTable (ColName, IdxOrder) SELECT COL_NAME(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), colid), -- append the DESC/ASC string, based on the ASC/DESC order of the PK columns CASE WHEN INDEXKEY_PROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), INDEXPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), @KeyName, 'IndexID'), keyno, 'IsDescending') = 1 THEN 'DESC' ELSE 'ASC' END FROM sysindexkeys WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove) AND indid = INDEXPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), @KeyName, 'IndexID') IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0 SET @i = 1 SET @ColList = N'' WHILE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #tblColTable WHERE Idx = @i) BEGIN SELECT @ColList = @ColList + N'[' + ColName + N'] ' + IdxOrder + N' ,' FROM #tblColTable WHERE Idx = @i SET @i = @i + 1 END SET @ColList = LEFT(@ColList, LEN(@ColList) - 1) -- Now, apply the CI on the primary key columns. The CI is not -- created as a unique CI, since if the PK/UQ was added with the NOCHECK -- option, there could be duplicate entries in the PK/UQ. EXEC(N'CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [This_Is_My_Clsuetered_Index_Name] ON [' + @TableToMove + N'](' + @ColList + ') ON [' + @File2Name + N']') -- The last command moved the CI (and thus the table), so we -- can now drop the CI. EXEC(N'DROP INDEX [' + @TableToMove + N'].[This_Is_My_Clsuetered_Index_Name]') END END ELSE BEGIN -- Here, the table originally had an identity. We apply the CI -- on the identity column, and then remove it. SELECT @IdentColName = COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE TABLE_NAME = @TableToMove AND COLUMNPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), COLUMN_NAME, 'IsIdentity') = 1 EXEC(N'CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [This_Is_My_Clsuetered_Index_Name] ON [' + @TableToMove + N']([' + @IdentColName + ']) ON [' + @File2Name + N']') -- The table is now moved -> Remove the CI. EXEC(N'DROP INDEX [' + @TableToMove + N'].[This_Is_My_Clsuetered_Index_Name]') END END ELSE BEGIN -- Now, for the big ELSE. The ELSE applies to the case where the -- table already has a clustered index. Here, we select the name of the -- existing clustered index, then drop it from the table, and recreate -- it on the other filegroup (on the same columns and order as was -- originally defined for the table). -- If the CI is also a PK/UQ/unique index, then we first check all foreign -- keys for the PK/UQ/UI, drop them if they exist, drop the PK/UQ/UI -- then recreate the PK/UQ/UI as CLUSTERED, and then reapply all the -- foreign keys constraints. If the CI is non-unique (thus is not -- associated with a PK/UQ/UI), we just drop and recreate it on the -- target file group. SELECT @CIName = [name] FROM sysindexes WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove) AND indid = 1 DELETE FROM #tblColTable INSERT INTO #tblColTable (ColName, IdxOrder) SELECT COL_NAME(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), colid), -- append the DESC/ASC string, based on the ASC/DESC order of the PK columns CASE WHEN INDEXKEY_PROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), INDEXPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), @CIName, 'IndexID'), keyno, 'IsDescending') = 1 THEN 'DESC' ELSE 'ASC' END FROM sysindexkeys WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove) AND indid = 1 ORDER BY keyno ASC SELECT @i = MIN(Idx) FROM #tblColTable SET @ColList = N'' WHILE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #tblColTable WHERE Idx = @i) BEGIN SELECT @ColList = @ColList + N'[' + ColName + N'] ' + IdxOrder + N' ,' FROM #tblColTable WHERE Idx = @i SET @i = @i + 1 END SET @ColList = LEFT(@ColList, LEN(@ColList) - 1) -- Check whether the clustered index is also the PK, or a unique constraint (UQ), -- or a unique index (UI) that is neither a PK or a UQ. -- If the CI is either one of the above, we first check whether any foreign keys -- reference this PK/UQ/UI. If so - we drop the FKs, then drop the PK/UQ/UI, -- then recreate the PK/UQ/UI on the target filegroup, and then recreate all -- the foreign keys dropped earlier. -- If the CI is other than the above (i.e., it is a non-unique clustered index) -- then we simply drop it and recreate it on the target filegroup. IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@CIName), 'IsPrimaryKey') = 1 OR OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@CIName), 'IsUniqueCnst') = 1 OR INDEXPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), @CIName, 'IsUnique') = 1 BEGIN -- This case stands for a CI which is a PK/UQ/UI. -- First, we drop all foreign keys associated with the PK/UQ/UI. -- These FK constraints will be reapplied on the PK later, -- (i.e., after the PK/UQ/UI is recreated on the target filegroup). DELETE FROM #tblFKTable -- Get all the FK constraints associated with the PK/UQ/UI. -- Here, we query sysreferences so we could get our hands on all the -- foreign keys that reference the PK/UQ/UI of the table -- that needs to be moved. INSERT INTO #tblFKTable (ForeignTableName, KeyName) SELECT OBJECT_NAME(fkeyid), OBJECT_NAME(constid) FROM sysreferences WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE rkeyid = OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove) AND rkeyindid = INDEXPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), @CIName, 'IndexID') SELECT @AssocFKeyName = MIN(KeyName) FROM #tblFKTable WHILE @AssocFKeyName IS NOT NULL BEGIN -- Get the list of primary and then foreign columns -- for the collected FK constraints. The CASCADE UPDATE, -- CASCADE DELETE, and NOT FOR REPLICATION properties -- of the FK are considered later. SELECT @FKTableName = ForeignTableName FROM #tblFKTable WHERE KeyName = @AssocFKeyName DELETE FROM #tblFKColTable -- First, the tables of the foreign table. The select is ordered by keyno -- so the order of columns in the FK will remain unchanged by the -- drop/recreate operation. INSERT INTO #tblFKColTable (ColName, FOrP) SELECT COL_NAME(fkeyid, fkey), 'F' FROM sysforeignkeys WHERE constid = OBJECT_ID(@AssocFKeyName) ORDER BY keyno -- Similarly, for the primary table. INSERT INTO #tblFKColTable (ColName, FOrP) SELECT COL_NAME(rkeyid, rkey), 'P' FROM sysforeignkeys WHERE constid = OBJECT_ID(@AssocFKeyName) ORDER BY keyno -- We now build the FK creation statement SELECT @j = MIN(Idx) FROM #tblFKColTable SET @SQLStr = N'ALTER TABLE [' + @FKTableName + N'] ' + N' WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [' + @AssocFKeyName + N'] ' + N' FOREIGN KEY (' -- Foreign table columns WHILE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #tblFKColTable WHERE Idx = @J AND FOrP = 'F') BEGIN SELECT @SQLStr = @SQLStr + N'[' + ColName + N'],' FROM #tblFKColTable WHERE Idx = @j SET @j = @j + 1 END SET @SQLStr = LEFT(@SQLStr, LEN(@SQLStr) - 1) + N') REFERENCES [' + @TableToMove + N'](' -- Primary table columns WHILE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #tblFKColTable WHERE Idx = @J AND FOrP = 'P') BEGIN SELECT @SQLStr = @SQLStr + N'[' + ColName + N'],' FROM #tblFKColTable WHERE Idx = @j SET @j = @j + 1 END SET @SQLStr = LEFT(@SQLStr, LEN(@SQLStr) - 1) + ') ' IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@AssocFKeyName), 'CnstIsDeleteCascade') = 1 SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + N' ON DELETE CASCADE ' IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@AssocFKeyName), 'CnstIsUpdateCascade') = 1 SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + N' ON UPDATE CASCADE ' IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@AssocFKeyName), 'CnstIsNotRepl') = 1 SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + N' NOT FOR REPLICATION ' -- Now, store this SQL statement, and drop the FK constraint UPDATE #tblFKTable SET SQLStmt = @SQLStr WHERE KeyName = @AssocFKeyName -- Drop the constraint EXEC(N'ALTER TABLE [' + @FKTableName + '] DROP CONSTRAINT [' + @AssocFKeyName + N']') SELECT @AssocFKeyName = MIN(KeyName) FROM #tblFKTable WHERE @AssocFKeyName < KeyName END -- The CREATE statement is different for PK or UQ IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@CIName), 'IsPrimaryKey') = 1 BEGIN EXEC(N' ALTER TABLE [' + @TableToMove + N'] DROP CONSTRAINT [' + @CIName + N'] ') EXEC(N' ALTER TABLE [' + @TableToMove + N'] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [' + @CIName + N'] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (' + @ColList + N') ON [' + @File2Name + N']') END ELSE BEGIN IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@CIName), 'IsUniqueCnst') = 1 BEGIN EXEC(N' ALTER TABLE [' + @TableToMove + N'] DROP CONSTRAINT [' + @CIName + N'] ') EXEC(N' ALTER TABLE [' + @TableToMove + N'] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [' + @CIName + N'] UNIQUE CLUSTERED (' + @ColList + N') ON [' + @File2Name + N']') END ELSE -- the CI here is a unique index BEGIN SET @IsPadIndex = INDEXPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), @CIName, 'IsPadIndex') EXEC(N'DROP INDEX [' + @TableToMove + N'].[' + @CIName + N']') -- Recreate the index on the same columns and column order, as -- they were defined on the original table, and in this -- case, the CI is kept unique. IF @IsPadIndex = 1 EXEC(N'CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [' + @CIName + N'] ON [' + @TableToMove + N'](' + @ColList + N') WITH PAD_INDEX ON [' + @File2Name + N']') ELSE EXEC(N'CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [' + @CIName + N'] ON [' + @TableToMove + N'](' + @ColList + N') ON [' + @File2Name + N']') END END -- Recreate the FK constraint of the table. SELECT @AssocFKeyName = MIN(KeyName) FROM #tblFKTable WHILE @AssocFKeyName IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @SQLStr = SQLStmt FROM #tblFKTable WHERE KeyName = @AssocFKeyName EXEC(@SQLStr) SELECT @AssocFKeyName = MIN(KeyName) FROM #tblFKTable WHERE @AssocFKeyName < KeyName END END ELSE BEGIN -- Here, the CI is not a PK/UQ/UI, so we drop the CI from -- the current filegroup, and recreate it on the -- target filegroup, as a non-unique index. SET @IsPadIndex = INDEXPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), @CIName, 'IsPadIndex') EXEC(N'DROP INDEX [' + @TableToMove + N'].[' + @CIName + N']') -- Recreate the index on the same columns and column order, as -- they were defined on the original table, and in this -- case, the CI is not unique. IF @IsPadIndex = 1 EXEC(N'CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [' + @CIName + N'] ON [' + @TableToMove + N'](' + @ColList + N') WITH PAD_INDEX ON [' + @File2Name + N']') ELSE EXEC(N'CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [' + @CIName + N'] ON [' + @TableToMove + N'](' + @ColList + N') ON [' + @File2Name + N']') END END -- Great. Now the table is on the new file group. -- We now check the @MovePKAndAllUniqueConstraints bit, -- and if it is 1, we move the PK and all unique constraints -- of the table, to the new file group. -- Similarly, if the @MoveAllNonClusteredIndexes = 1 then -- we move the non-clustered indexes of the table to -- the new file group as well. The structure of the code -- for the UQ, PK and non-clustered indexes is the same, -- so we move them all together (with minor syntax changes where needed). -- One comment: The fillfactor and padindex are not carried over, -- for the indexes and constraints. A good DBA would set the defaults -- on both filegroups the same. -- Gather all the unique constraints that need to be moved to -- the new file group. IF @MovePKAndAllUniqueConstraints = 1 BEGIN -- Get all unique keys (including the PK) for the table. INSERT INTO #tblKeysTable (KeyName, indid, type) SELECT a.[name], a.indid, b.xtype FROM sysindexes a WITH (NOLOCK) INNER JOIN sysobjects b WITH (NOLOCK) ON a.[name] = b.[name] WHERE b.parent_obj = OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove) AND b.xtype IN ('PK', 'UQ') AND a.groupid = @SourceFileGroupID AND a.indid > 0 AND a.indid < 255 END -- Gather all the non-clustered indexes that need to be moved to -- the new file group. IF @MoveAllNonClusteredIndexes = 1 BEGIN INSERT INTO #tblKeysTable (KeyName, indid, type) SELECT a.[name], a.indid, CASE WHEN INDEXPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), a.[name], 'IsUnique') = 1 THEN 'UI' -- to denote unique index. ELSE 'I' -- to denote a non-unique index END FROM sysindexes a WITH (NOLOCK) LEFT OUTER JOIN #tblKeysTable b ON = b.KeyName WHERE = OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove) AND INDEXPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), a.[name], 'IsStatistics') = 0 AND a.groupid = @SourceFileGroupID AND b.KeyName IS NULL -- do not collect the PK and UQs again! AND a.indid > 0 AND a.indid < 255 END -- Now, loop through all keys/indexes collected in #tblKeysTable -- and move them one by one to the new filegroup, while -- maintaining the same column order they were previously defined on. WHILE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #tblKeysTable) BEGIN SET @indid = NULL SET @Type = NULL SET @KeyName = NULL SELECT TOP 1 @indid = indid, @Type = Type, @KeyName = KeyName FROM #tblKeysTable DELETE FROM #tblColTable INSERT INTO #tblColTable (ColName, IdxOrder) SELECT COL_NAME(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), colid), -- append the DESC/ASC string, based on the ASC/DESC order of the PK columns CASE WHEN INDEXKEY_PROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), INDEXPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), @KeyName, 'IndexID'), keyno, 'IsDescending') = 1 THEN 'DESC' ELSE 'ASC' END FROM sysindexkeys WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove) AND indid = @indid ORDER BY keyno ASC SELECT @i = MIN(Idx) FROM #tblColTable SET @ColList = N'' WHILE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #tblColTable WHERE Idx = @i) BEGIN SELECT @ColList = @ColList + N'[' + ColName + N'] ' + IdxOrder + N' ,' FROM #tblColTable WHERE Idx = @i SET @i = @i + 1 END SET @ColList = LEFT(@ColList, LEN(@ColList) - 1) -- Drop the object, and then recreate it on the new filegroup. -- Note: If a PK/UQ or a unique index (UI) is on the source file group, -- then it must be a NONCLUSTERED PK/UQ, since the CLUSTERED PK/UQ/UI was -- already handled above. -- Also - we first check whether the PK/UQ/UI are used in any foreign keys, before -- we drop/recreate them. If they are - then the FKs are first dropped, -- then the PK/UQ/UI is dropped and recreated, and the FK constraints -- are then recreated as well. IF @Type IN ('PK', 'UQ', 'UI') BEGIN DELETE FROM #tblFKTable -- Get all the FK constraints associated with the PK/UQ/UI (UI = unique index). -- Here, we must query sysreferences since it can identify which -- foreign keys reference the table that we are moving, as well as -- each individual unique constraint/index. INSERT INTO #tblFKTable (ForeignTableName, KeyName) SELECT OBJECT_NAME(fkeyid), OBJECT_NAME(constid) FROM sysreferences WITH (NOLOCK) WHERE rkeyid = OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove) AND rkeyindid = INDEXPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), @KeyName, 'IndexID') SELECT @AssocFKeyName = MIN(KeyName) FROM #tblFKTable WHILE @AssocFKeyName IS NOT NULL BEGIN -- Get the list of primary and then foreign columns -- for the collected FK constraints. The CASCADE UPDATE, -- CASCADE DELETE, and NOT FOR REPLICATION properties -- of the FK are considered later. SELECT @FKTableName = ForeignTableName FROM #tblFKTable WHERE KeyName = @AssocFKeyName DELETE FROM #tblFKColTable -- First, the tables of the foreign table. The select is ordered by keyno -- so the order of columns in the FK will remain unchanged by the -- drop/recreate operation. INSERT INTO #tblFKColTable (ColName, FOrP) SELECT COL_NAME(fkeyid, fkey), 'F' FROM sysforeignkeys WHERE constid = OBJECT_ID(@AssocFKeyName) ORDER BY keyno -- Similarly, for the primary table. INSERT INTO #tblFKColTable (ColName, FOrP) SELECT COL_NAME(rkeyid, rkey), 'P' FROM sysforeignkeys WHERE constid = OBJECT_ID(@AssocFKeyName) ORDER BY keyno -- We now build the FK creation statement SELECT @j = MIN(Idx) FROM #tblFKColTable SET @SQLStr = N'ALTER TABLE [' + @FKTableName + N'] ' + N' WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [' + @AssocFKeyName + N'] ' + N' FOREIGN KEY (' -- Foreign table columns WHILE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #tblFKColTable WHERE Idx = @J AND FOrP = 'F') BEGIN SELECT @SQLStr = @SQLStr + N'[' + ColName + N'],' FROM #tblFKColTable WHERE Idx = @j SET @j = @j + 1 END SET @SQLStr = LEFT(@SQLStr, LEN(@SQLStr) - 1) + N') REFERENCES [' + @TableToMove + N'](' -- Primary table columns WHILE EXISTS(SELECT * FROM #tblFKColTable WHERE Idx = @J AND FOrP = 'P') BEGIN SELECT @SQLStr = @SQLStr + N'[' + ColName + N'],' FROM #tblFKColTable WHERE Idx = @j SET @j = @j + 1 END SET @SQLStr = LEFT(@SQLStr, LEN(@SQLStr) - 1) + ') ' IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@AssocFKeyName), 'CnstIsDeleteCascade') = 1 SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + N' ON DELETE CASCADE ' IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@AssocFKeyName), 'CnstIsUpdateCascade') = 1 SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + N' ON UPDATE CASCADE ' IF OBJECTPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@AssocFKeyName), 'CnstIsNotRepl') = 1 SET @SQLStr = @SQLStr + N' NOT FOR REPLICATION ' -- Now, store this SQL statement, and drop the FK constraint UPDATE #tblFKTable SET SQLStmt = @SQLStr WHERE KeyName = @AssocFKeyName -- Drop the constraint EXEC(N'ALTER TABLE [' + @FKTableName + '] DROP CONSTRAINT [' + @AssocFKeyName + N']') SELECT @AssocFKeyName = MIN(KeyName) FROM #tblFKTable WHERE @AssocFKeyName < KeyName END -- Now, drop the PK/UQ/UI and recreate it IF @Type = 'PK' BEGIN EXEC(N' ALTER TABLE [' + @TableToMove + N'] DROP CONSTRAINT [' + @KeyName + N'] ') EXEC(N' ALTER TABLE [' + @TableToMove + N'] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [' + @KeyName + N'] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED (' + @ColList + N') ON [' + @File2Name + N']') END ELSE BEGIN IF @Type = 'UQ' BEGIN EXEC(N' ALTER TABLE [' + @TableToMove + N'] DROP CONSTRAINT [' + @KeyName + N'] ') EXEC(N' ALTER TABLE [' + @TableToMove + N'] WITH NOCHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [' + @KeyName + N'] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (' + @ColList + N') ON [' + @File2Name + N']') END ELSE -- must be UI BEGIN SET @IsPadIndex = INDEXPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), @KeyName, 'IsPadIndex') EXEC(N' DROP INDEX [' + @TableToMove + N'].[' + @KeyName + N']') IF @IsPadIndex = 1 EXEC(N' CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [' + @KeyName + N'] ON [' + @TableToMove + N'](' + @ColList + N') WITH PAD_INDEX ON [' + @File2Name + N']') ELSE EXEC(N' CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [' + @KeyName + N'] ON [' + @TableToMove + N'](' + @ColList + N') ON [' + @File2Name + N']') END END -- And recreate the FK constraints attached to the PK/UQ -- that was just recreated. -- Recreate the FK constraint of the table. SELECT @AssocFKeyName = MIN(KeyName) FROM #tblFKTable WHILE @AssocFKeyName IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT @SQLStr = SQLStmt FROM #tblFKTable WHERE KeyName = @AssocFKeyName EXEC(@SQLStr) SELECT @AssocFKeyName = MIN(KeyName) FROM #tblFKTable WHERE @AssocFKeyName < KeyName END END IF @Type = 'I' BEGIN SET @IsPadIndex = INDEXPROPERTY(OBJECT_ID(@TableToMove), @KeyName, 'IsPadIndex') EXEC(N' DROP INDEX [' + @TableToMove + N'].[' + @KeyName + N']') IF @IsPadIndex = 1 EXEC(N' CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [' + @KeyName + N'] ON [' + @TableToMove + N'](' + @ColList + N') WITH PAD_INDEX ON [' + @File2Name + N']') ELSE EXEC(N' CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [' + @KeyName + N'] ON [' + @TableToMove + N'](' + @ColList + N') ON [' + @File2Name + N']') END DELETE FROM #tblKeysTable WHERE KeyName = @KeyName AND indid = @indid END GO Note: The TEXT/NTEXT/IMAGE columns, which are not stored on the clustered index data pages, are not moved to the target file group, by the simple reason that in order to move TEXT/NTEXT/IMAGE columns to another filegroup - the entire table needs to be recreated. Manu "Javier" wrote: > Hi, > > I need to move all the tables from the PRIMARY filegroup to a new one. I did > script out all the non-clustered indexes, then I did drop them so new I do > have all the tables wo non-clustered indexes (most of them still have pk,fk, > constrains and clustered indexes) How can I move ALL of them to a new > filegroup called FG_DATA? After that I will recreate non-clustered ones on > another FG called FG_INDEX > > Thanks > Javier > |