From: Ron Johnson on
On 2010-03-22 19:39, Tom H wrote:
>>>> I'd want *proof* (i.e., booting into different distros) that different
>>>> mkswap invocations generate different UUIDs.
>>> I have no idea what proof I can provide except to say that I have been
>>> caught by that.
>>> I installed a second distribution and I could either not prevent it
>>> from running mkswap or forgot to prevent it from doing so and I had,
>>> when I rebooted into the first distribution, an error message about
>>> swap. And it turned out that the swap UUID had been modified.
>> Expert install or simple install?
> The partioner is the same for both; and why does it matter anyway
> since the UUID was modified?

The expert installer lets you skip mkfs if you want to.

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From: Stephen Powell on
On Mon, 22 Mar 2010 18:51:15 -0400 (EDT), Ron Johnson wrote:
> On 2010-03-22 17:05, Paul E Condon wrote:
>> cmpq:~# blkid
>> /dev/hda1: UUID="990189bc-f7ce-41a6-9d8f-64a35349875e" TYPE="ext3"
>> /dev/hda2: LABEL="HDA2" UUID="5a02e986-8aa3-4790-aa3f-41f7f565533f" TYPE="ext3"
>> /dev/hda3: LABEL="HDA3" UUID="63025622-0210-49d4-89ff-f038e6c218b6" TYPE="ext3"
>> /dev/hda5: TYPE="swap"
>> /dev/hda6: LABEL="HDA6" UUID="12148027-bc0b-4260-853e-64a8d79c6fe7" TYPE="ext3"
>> /dev/hdb1: UUID="29b36e91-32e7-46bd-b8d3-831f5dcbd337" TYPE="ext3"
>> /dev/sda1: LABEL="WDMB-1" UUID="bc1d2170-d790-4952-bbee-c3c3efdd8413" TYPE="ext3"
>> /dev/sdb1: LABEL="WDP-5" UUID="8c6c3be3-4a72-45cd-929f-2dec9f185427" TYPE="ext3"
>> This is from a system that is running Lenny. Note that the swap partition doesn't
>> have either a label or a uuid, but I had specified labels each time I installed
>> a distro.
> That's weird.

I have noticed that the version of mkswap that is included in the Debian Installer
does not support the specification of a label (-L option) or a page size (-p option).
I haven't tried the -U option. But the version of mkswap that gets installed for
the production system supports both -L and -U. You can give the swap partition
any desired label or UUID after installation by an appropriate swapoff, mkswap, swapon
command sequence.

.''`. Stephen Powell <zlinuxman(a)>
: :' :
`. `'`

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From: Lubos Rendek on
there are couple ways on how to retrieve UUID but all of then are
essentially accessing the same information you already have with your
ls command. Try here:

for more info...


On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 11:31 PM, Osamu Aoki <osamu(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> Recent udev packges in squeeze/sid lack vol_id command since 22 Aug 2009
> (146-1).  What is the best way to obtain UUID of partition?
> I could read it like ...
> $ ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid|grep sda4
> Is this the best way?  Any thoughts ?
> Osamu
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From: Lisi on
On Sunday 21 March 2010 22:52:59 Tom H wrote:
> >> You can cnahe the UUID of any ext partition with
> >
> > cnahe???
> It is Sunday and my first weekend off in a few weeks so my fingers are
> on holiday...

Yes - excuse accepted. But that still leaves the question marks. Is it meant
to be "change"?? I never have been good at anagrams - let alone anagrams
that don't contain all the right letters. (Assuming that they are the right
letters in the wrong order makes no sense at all as far as I can see.)


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From: Paul E Condon on
On 20100322_175115, Ron Johnson wrote:
> On 2010-03-22 17:05, Paul E Condon wrote:
> [snip]
> >
> >You answered my question --- I didn't know about blkid utility.
> >With this one can give every partition a meaningful labels like ---
> >
> >LABEL="hda1"
> >
> >or whatever is displayed as the system device one one runs blkid
> >without options in order to get a full listing. e.g.
> >cmpq:~# blkid
> >/dev/hda1: UUID="990189bc-f7ce-41a6-9d8f-64a35349875e" TYPE="ext3"
> >/dev/hda2: LABEL="HDA2" UUID="5a02e986-8aa3-4790-aa3f-41f7f565533f"
> >TYPE="ext3" /dev/hda3: LABEL="HDA3"
> >UUID="63025622-0210-49d4-89ff-f038e6c218b6" TYPE="ext3" /dev/hda5:
> >TYPE="swap" /dev/hda6: LABEL="HDA6"
> >UUID="12148027-bc0b-4260-853e-64a8d79c6fe7" TYPE="ext3" /dev/hdb1:
> >UUID="29b36e91-32e7-46bd-b8d3-831f5dcbd337" TYPE="ext3" /dev/sda1:
> >LABEL="WDMB-1" UUID="bc1d2170-d790-4952-bbee-c3c3efdd8413"
> >TYPE="ext3" /dev/sdb1: LABEL="WDP-5"
> >UUID="8c6c3be3-4a72-45cd-929f-2dec9f185427" TYPE="ext3"
> Gah!!! "HDAn" are *horrible* labels.
> When you add another hard drive, the kernel might make it hda and
> your existing drive hdb. Or libata might convert them to sdx and
> then you'd have sda2 with label HDA2. *Very* unintuitive!

For me, linux device names have become very intuitive. Certainly more
intuitive than UUIDs. I've been thinking about UUIDs for a little over
a week. To me, the idea of UUIDs suffers from a great excess of
pseudo-intellectual baggage. A convention for naming things that is
deliberately designed to generate names that give no clue as to what
the thing is, or which one of several similar things this one actually
is --- is crazy.

The HDXn convention tells me which metal-box-thing I have to pull out
of the computer box and replace, if Debian/GNU/Linux informs me that
this particular HDXn is broken. I like that.

I know this doesn't work for USB which has SCSI derived names. For
this I have been using labels for removeable drives. I have no
permanently installed USB drives, but I expect that when I do, I
will label them with some conventional names that can be put on
a sticker that is stuck on the physical thing.

> Or you might need to move the drive to a machine that already has a
> partition labeled HDA2.

If I need to move a drive to another machine, I will use blkid on
that machine to inspect the drive before I compose the new line
that will be needed in /etc/fstab. This saves some time. If
blkid can't report the labels on the HD, there is little hope of
mounting it and little point in it having a distinct ID.

> Give them meaningful *symbolic* names.
> >This is from a system that is running Lenny. Note that the swap partition doesn't
> >have either a label or a uuid, but I had specified labels each time I installed
> >a distro.
> >
> That's weird.
> --
> "History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak
> or the timid." Dwight Eisenhower
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Paul E Condon

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