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From: Archimedes Plutonium on 12 Jul 2010 19:16 Archimedes Plutonium wrote: (snipped) > But that is sufficient to prove the infinitude of Quad primes and all > primes of form N + 2k > for k>1. I say this because to have only Regular Primes infinite and N > +2 primes infinite > but to have N+4, N+6, etc etc as all finite sets of primes is a > contradiction. Whether a contradiction of the Prime distribution > theorem or some other distribution of primes theorem > I am not quite sure as yet. > > What I suspect is that given the information that Twin Primes is an > infinite set, makes the > proposition that all N+2k, k>1 sets of primes must also be infinite. > I guess noone thought that if you prove the Infinitude of Twin Primes, that it was much of use for anything. That it was a one item proof that had no value elsewhere. That nothing else hinged on whether Twin Primes were infinite or finite. But I suspect that a proof of Infinitude of Twin Primes is the access door to proving the infinitude of N+2k, k>1 sets of Primes, such as the Quad Primes. So all I have to do is find a theorem in math that I can contradict that theorem when the input is that Regular primes are infinite and Twin primes are infinite and unless all primes of form N+2k, k>1 are infinite that such and such a theorem is contradicted. I hope that is not the Riemann Hypothesis. I was thinking of something much smaller of a theorem such as the theorem that between N and 2N must always exist at least one prime number. So that if Regular Primes are infinite and Twin Primes are infinite, then N+4, N+6, N+8, N+10, etc etc must all be infinite sets also, or else we contradict a theorem. Mathematics is not asymmetrical like this. Where you have Twin primes as infinite yet the others finite. That makes little sense. Archimedes Plutonium whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies |