From: Cor Ligthert[MVP] on

Not on all OS versions

"Bwig Zomberi" <zomberiMAPSONNOSPAM(a)> wrote in message
> fniles wrote:
>> Is there any way to send an email (either from a VB program or ASP or
>> HTML)
>> if the machine has no Outlook and/or SMTP server ?
>> Thank you
> If it is your local computer, then installing IIS will provide a local
> SMTP server. If you hosting on a shared server, the hosting provider would
> have already configured an SMTP server. In most cases, you wouldn't have
> to specify an SMTP server address. You just need to simply set the from
> and to addresses and call send.
> --
> Bwig Zomberi

From: Mayayana on

| Is there any way to send an email (either from a VB program or ASP or
| if the machine has no Outlook and/or SMTP server ?
| Thank you

First you need to understand what VB is. You posted
to both the VB group and the VB.Net group.
Is what you really want VB.Net?

Are you sure you know what an SMTP server is?
It's not the email sender. Sending email involves
contacting an SMTP server computer, or setting up
SMTP on your own server. Outlook is not the server,
it's just the sender. The sender carries out a
text-based "conversation" with the server. It's relatively
easy to do but you need to know the details of the

Viruses, of course, often incorporate their own
SMTP functionality, but that's probably not a feasible
method anymore. Many ISPs will block unrecognized
SMTP sources.

I have VB code for sending email, with no dependencies,
which automatically deals with a PLAIN or LOGIN password
scenario. (For most ISPs that's sufficient. But in some
situations you might run into other complications. For
instance, GMail webmail requires a secure connection. And
in rare cases, like maybe a government server, you might
need password encryption.)
There are also free controls available. (Ex.: vbSendMail)

So if it's VB you want and you don't need specialized
functionality, then it's free and easy to cut the dependency
on Outlook, MAPI, or any other email program.

If you need VB.Net code...I have no idea. One would
hope that it's somewhere in that 300+MB of runtime
baggage, without needing to install Outlook.

If you need to do this from a webpage that's an entirely
different situation. And it's different again for ASP (Windows)
vs Unix/Linux (where you can get free PHP scripts, or get
a pre-set-up package from your web host).

So, yes, you can send email. But you should really
understand how it works, and also check into the ISP
you intend to use. And it would help if you explain
exactly what situation/tools you're dealing with.

From: Mayayana on
| >Is there any way to send an email (either from a VB program or ASP or
| >if the machine has no Outlook and/or SMTP server ?
| >Thank you
| Do I smell somebody trying to write malware here? Sure seems like it to

What if I asked for advice on buying a
portable power drill? Would you assume
that I wanted it for burglaries?

There are lots of reasons to want to send
email, from a PC or a website, and no reason
that anyone should be reduced to using a
method as hokey as Outlook automation or MAPI.
(Contrary to the .Net philosophy, "the more
wrappers the better" is not necessarily true. :)

From: Jeff Johnson on
"fniles" <fniles(a)> wrote in message

> Is there any way to send an email (either from a VB program or ASP or
> HTML) if the machine has no Outlook and/or SMTP server ?

Here's how I read his post, folks. Perhaps my interpretation is wrong.

"Is it possible to send email without using a mail client such as Outlook
and without having an SMTP server installed LOCALLY?"

The answer: OF COURSE IT IS. Tons of people send email every day in these
very situations. All that's needed is to connect to a REMOTE SMTP server. I
don't believe he was asking if it's possible to send email without an SMTP
sever involved AT SOME POINT.

The answer is "do a Google search," because this question has been asked and
answered over and over.

From: Tom Shelton on
On 2010-04-27, Mayayana <mayayana(a)invalid.nospam> wrote:
>| Is there any way to send an email (either from a VB program or ASP or
>| if the machine has no Outlook and/or SMTP server ?
>| Thank you


> If you need VB.Net code...I have no idea. One would
> hope that it's somewhere in that 300+MB of runtime
> baggage, without needing to install Outlook.

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On

Imports System
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Mail

Module Module1

Sub Main()
Using msg As New MailMessage

With msg
.From = New MailAddress("somebody(a)")
.To.Add(New MailAddress("someotherbody(a)"))
.Subject = "some subject"
.Body = "Hey there!"
End With

Dim smtp As New SmtpClient("")
' assuming your server requires authentication...
smtp.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("myusername", "mypassword")

End Using
End Sub

End Module

Tom Shelton