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From: Archimedes Plutonium on 17 Jul 2010 06:11 Hooray, yesterday I stepped on the scale and am finally back to 137 lbs, or 62 kilograms. Why 62 kilograms? Because throughout my High School and College years, I was that weight. During High School, I would sometimes get these horrible headaches after eating salty potato chips. From there on out, I never had another headache, or rarely. So I eliminated salt from my diet for I would have enough salt in the food I buy such as pizza or bread etc. When I reached age 50, I started gaining weight and that my exceedingly high rate of metabolism could no longer keep me trim, no matter how much food I ate. And I seemed to not be able to get back to 137 lbs but every winter would go as high as 150 lbs, and then I would fast, losing about 3 lbs per day. So now, finally, this year, I said enough of this bouncing back and forth from 150 lbs to 137 lbs. The solution is as easy as the salt and headache solution. Just never buy anymore foods with sugar in them. That means no more cakes, cookies, ice cream, candies, marmalade and jams. About the sweetest foods I eat now are the fresh fruits. The strawberries and oranges. I especially love minneolas. Sometimes I break my diet and will buy an ice cream bar, but seldom. And now I am back to 137 lbs and I feel no compulsion to go back to my old habits. My stomach has shrunk also, and is not sending any craving messages to my brain. I have thus found this "new normal eating habit". And in the grocery store, I just pass up the candy, cookie, cake, ice cream isles. I never buy any more sacks of sugar. For lemonade I use honey. Why so drastic? Well, Diabetes is a horrible disease and once you get it, you never get rid of it. So now, how to make the world better than the obesity and overweight and diabetes? Well, look at how we handled tobacco, that filthy unhealthy habit. We tax it to death. So how do we get the nation of the USA back on a health road? We can preach but it will not be effective. What will be effective is that we tax all sugar, raw or in processed foods and the money goes to the government to reduce debt. We make it so that fructose or corn sugars and all forms of sweeteners that cause weight gain to be taxed significantly higher than other foods. The price of candy, ice cream, cakes and donuts and cookies should be treble the price they are in stores. Quadruple the price if people do not get slimmer. Jack the price up 10 fold if we see too many obese children. A pack of cigarettes costs what? $5? Well an ice cream bar should be priced at $5. A soda pop such as Coca cola should be priced at $10 a bottle. We maybe able to get the National Debt cut in half after about 4 years on this sugar tax. Archimedes Plutonium whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies |