From: Aziza Gharib on
Hi all,

I am using matlab 7 and i ma trying to create a binary initial population:

1- Does Matlab do that automaticaaly ?

2- If not, I read over the net about two functions that does so, one is called "crtbp" and the other one is called "initbp" but they are not available in the GA toolbox that I have

So can anyone please give a hint or even the full function definition for either of them (P.S. I found couple of definitions for the "crtbp" function but whenever I use it I get error messages)

Here is one of them (Is it the right code ?)
"%CRTP.m - Create an initial population
% This function creates a binary population of given size and structure.
% Syntax: [Chrom Lind BaseV] = crtbp(Nind, Lind, Base)
% Input Parameters:
% Nind - Either a scalar containing the number of individuals
% in the new population or a row vector of length two
% containing the number of individuals and their length.
% Lind - A scalar containing the length of the individual
% chromosomes.
% Base - A scalar containing the base of the chromosome
% elements or a row vector containing the base(s)
% of the loci of the chromosomes.
% Output Parameters:
% Chrom - A matrix containing the random valued chromosomes
% row wise.
% Lind - A scalar containing the length of the chromosome.
% BaseV - A row vector containing the base of the
% chromosome loci.

% Author: Andrew Chipperfield
% Date: 19-Jan-94

function [Chrom, Lind, BaseV] = crtbp(Nind, Lind, Base)
nargs = nargin ;

% Check parameter consistency

if nargs >= 1, [mN, nN] = size(Nind) ; end
if nargs >= 2, [mL, nL] = size(Lind) ; end
if nargs == 3, [mB, nB] = size(Base) ; end

if nN == 2
if (nargs == 1)
Lind = Nind(2) ; Nind = Nind(1) ; BaseV = crtbase(Lind) ;
elseif (nargs == 2 & nL == 1)
BaseV = crtbase(Nind(2),Lind) ; Lind = Nind(2) ; Nind = Nind(1) ;
elseif (nargs == 2 & nL > 1)
if Lind ~= length(Lind), error('Lind and Base disagree'); end
BaseV = Lind ; Lind = Nind(2) ; Nind = Nind(1) ;
elseif nN == 1
if nargs == 2
if nL == 1, BaseV = crtbase(Lind) ;
else, BaseV = Lind ; Lind = nL ; end
elseif nargs == 3
if nB == 1, BaseV = crtbase(Lind,Base) ;
elseif nB ~= Lind, error('Lind and Base disagree') ;
else BaseV = Base ; end
error('Input parameters inconsistent') ;

% Create a structure of random chromosomes in row wise order, dimensions
% Nind by Lind. The base of each chromosomes loci is given by the value
% of the corresponding element of the row vector base.

Chrom = floor(rand(Nind,Lind).*BaseV(ones(Nind,1),:)) ;

% End of file