From: Greatest Mining Pioneer of Australia of all Times on 4 Jun 2010 23:31 Jean-Paul Turcaud Australia Mining Pioneer Discoverer & Legal Owner of Telfer Mine (Australia largest Copper & Gold Mine), Nifty (Cu) & Kintyre (U, Th) Mines, all in the Great Sandy Desert Exploration Geologist & Offshore Consultant Founder of the True Geology To West Australia Premier The Right Hon Colin Barnett Parliament House 6000 Perth WA Australia Your ref: My letters of 14th Oct 2009,14th January 2010, 14th of April & 17th of May anticipating that one. My ref: Your letter dated 16th Dec 2009 & 26th March 2010 Letter from R. May, your Deputy Chief of Staff dated 9th March 2010 Copy to the Newmont & Newcrest Mining Criminals, to the Tyrwhitt puke care of Chief Rabbi Joseph Gutnick, President of Legend to Mr Bob Sheppard, W.A mining personality &, former President of the Australian Prospectors Union (APLA) , to Dr Don Findlay (PhD geology) additional copy to the Australian Workers Union National Office' President Mr Bill Ludwig & Secretary Mr Paul Howes, since the AWU was put off by the counterfeit letter sent by the Newmont/Newcrest Criminals' head at the time, Searls, to its Telfer Mine local branch rep Mr Jones. To the ACTU President Mrs Sharan Burrow & ACTU Secretary Mr Jeff Lawrence La Rochelle 14th of May 2010 Dear Mr Burnett, I am not the Discoverer of Telfer Mine ! I am the Discoverer of Telfer Copper/Gold Mine, Kintyre Uranium mine & Nifty Copper Mine, all discovered by myself in the Great Sandy Desert of Australia in October 1970. That is the Historical Truth which Criminal Mining Companies, Geological Frauds, Corrupt Administrations such as the West Australia Geological Survey & Land Department, and finally previous West Australia Governments have successfully dissimulated & covered up in a sustained Coalition of Interest during the last 40 years. You are the first Premier who during that time, closing indeed on the 40th Anniversary of the largest discovery Telfer Mine on Oct 14th 1970, has shown an interest is restoring the verity & may be imposing Justice in all fairness. That young man of 30 who carried out all alone that pioneering work in the Great Sandy Desert which none before had successfully done, was one of Australia"s Greatest Mining Pioneer. In this intention I am sending you quite a few documents whose list follows, and in conclusion I will request from you, as a token of gratitude for all richness I brought forth & unearthed for Australia nothing else than a "Phillip Pendal" 's type of enquiry, as it was conducted on the Batavia shipwreck. Nothing short of that will satisfy me, and I will accept nothing at all based on the recommendation of some administration which considers me as a "Turcaud Nonsense" and whose Director Rogerson is an evident Mining Criminals ' molee, as such qualification is the one used indeed by the Newmont/Newcrest Mining Criminals. In so doing indeed, Rogerson not only vilifies me but as well all Mining Pioneers who have blasted their way into the unknown for millions to benefit in return. In Rogerson 's approach, and as you will see in Tyrwhitt, Thomson, Koehn, Musgraves ' approaches, the whole process of discovery is completely evaded, ridiculed, trivial, fortuitous, with inexistent merit in all cases . While the overwhelming parroting mundane literature which follows, in drowning the initial blood & tears efforts of the discoverer in a just a few meaningless words, is just achieving that aim of evacuating all gratitude deserved to the Mining Pioneer. In that line the Kalgoorlie Hall of Fame has no meaning at all then, since the very people who should have respect for such Pioneers, the WAGS indeed, are maliciously debasing such people 's efforts in their heart. Now, I understand more the spirit & the terms of your preceding 2 letters, these were meant to get rid of that "Turcaud Nonsense" once for all, was not it ? They were inspired following contact with the WAGS, which you could have assumed had a fair & honest record of the events concerned. Right ? Here is the list now of the attached documents which certainly Rogerson & the West Australia Mines Department will never forward to you for scrutiny, and whose reference would remain carefully hidden from view. Incidentally as Rogerson is now favouring Koehn, the Koehn 's report added to the Newmont/Boral/Narla joint venture agreement, and to the Narla 1972 report demonstrates without the shade of a doubt the Newmont/Newcrest Telfer Mine Swindle, which was the object of a demand of a Royal Inquiry by the late Hon.T.D. Evans, MP for Kalgoorlie in the WA Parliament, fully recorded in the Hansard. In the included compact disk, which for safety as been doubled, you will find easily all documents referenced demonstrating the Telfer Mine Cover Up multi Trillions Swindle covered up by all previous West Australia Governments except yours, as from the demand of a Royal Inquiry into such abominable Corporate Crime. List: · Koehn's report, · Musgrave's document, · Searls' letter to AWU Rep. Jones, rolling the AWU at large in the flour indeed. · Appendix 1/2/3, · Minister Moore letter to Les Lowe with added document titled : Jean- Paul Turcaud and the Discovery of Telfer, · my reply to Jones, some extracts from the Narla files re years 1972 & 1973 ( in part), · a Conpact disk (cd) with my whole Telfer Mine folder including the complete Narla & Day Dawn microfilms (except that part covering 71/72/73 maliciously erased from official records) In the included compact disk which for safety has been doubled, you will find easily all documents referenced here under proper folder heading, like Narla, Day Dawn, Koehn etc, · As for the Hansard & Shadow Attorney General Hon Evans ' demand for a Royal Inquiry, it is at your disposal of course at the West Australia Parliament. I have this to add at his point of my letter, since you are a former Professor of Economy from Curtin, direct heir to the Kalgoorlie School of Mines then, that there were two outstanding persons who steadfastly stood on the side of the Truth & Justice as well as the Kalgoorlie MP Tom Evans did. Those people you certainly know by name at least since most closely related to you in your professional life. The first is George Spencer Compton, geological consultant of Kalgoorlie and the very son of the founder of the Kalgoorlie School of Mines, and the second is Keith Quartermaine, the Head of the Kalgoorlie School of Mines. Both gentlemen told me in the most compelling manner that I should not let go, and that Newmont / Newcrest's attitude was a disgrace to every values Australia stands for in term of fair go for the Mining Prospector Turcaud & Australia Mining Pioneer indeed. They supported me all along & applauded at the Hon Evans' move to bring the affair to the West Australia Parliament level & to his demand of a Royal Inquiry into the Telfer Mine Swindle. They were relayed over the years by other outstanding gentlemen such as Bob Sheppard, Peter Bridge, Don Findlay. Contrarily to what you may personally believe, or have been lead to believe, I really loved Australia and it broke my heart to be kicked out of it by the Newmont /Newcrest Mining Criminals & their geological rabble frauds. This was a pity as my prospecting skill was unique & not only founded in a synthetic approach of the environment, but as well an innate knowledge of the ground which always brought me to the right place, and confirmations of such gift have been served to me many times I haven't been spared anything at all during my 10 & ½ years in Australia and ensuing years, as I have always refused to accept such glaring Deny of Justice. Only pulling out in time, thanks to my late dear parents allowed me to be still alive today, as the aim of the Newmont / Newcrest Mining Criminals was to drive me to despair & death. Removing then all hurdles to their falsified & fabricated History. I will not say that I am very well at this point in time, as still recovering from a grave poisoning accident, I am still solid. I would be pleased to come full circle & face a return to Australia as my philosophy prompts me to believe this affair has to be completely terminated before embarking on another venture, relative to completing a book on the True Geology. Another outstanding pioneering work indeed, based on a UPL or Universal Pressure Law concept being the underlying system supporting our Universe. To this letter to you, Sir, if there will be a following, this will be my visit in style indeed to West Australia for the 40th Anniversary of Telfer Mine discovery on Oct 14th 2010. That is in less than five month time. If I have to be there in time for that event, things have really to unfold at another pace than the one of the past 7 months, with a proper settlement to be reached with Newcrest considering of course as well the damages incurred. This will be an opportunity to meet mutually, to discover Telfer mining operations, and call it a day for all that saga. Mine is an invitation & opportunity to forgiving if not forgetting, and this is an opportunity to not to be missed as I am not eternal indeed. I look forward to your prompt answer on the issues raised in that new letter, which corresponds to the 44th anniversary of my departure to Australia in 1966. and only 4 ½ years later I had found the 3 mines you know in the Great Sandy Desert of Australia. Yours faithfully "signrature" 20 Avenue des Guiardes 17000 La Rochelle France tel 33 5 46 xx xx xx Your references *The West Australian Parliament Hansard with 7 different interventions by the Hon T.D Evans, Member for Kalgoorlie, late Attorney General, demanding a Royal Inquiry into the Newmont Mining Corporation Criminal Swindle of Narla / Boral shareholders of their right ownership of now known Telfer Mine, in their successful & villainous attempt at shunting Australia Mining Pioneer Jean-Paul Turcaud. *Including additional intervention of the Hon Julian, former Senior Minister & Member for Boulder, on the same issue. *My different letters to former Premiers Court & Lawrence, as well as letter from Dr Findlay to Premier Gallop & shameful rebuffing replies. Letters written by Bob Sheppard & Don Findlay recently to yourself *The Golden Rule (or the True History of Telfer Mine discovery) by the President of Australian Prospectors & Leaseholders Union, Mr Bob Sheppard *The Official History of Telfer Mine debugged By one of Australia leading Geologist, Dr Don Findlay. PhD geology *ABC report.:
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