From: Emad Ktifany on 28 Jan 2010 02:21 Hi. I am trying to read data from a laser sensor and send G_Code to a CNC at the sane time. I used Real Time Windows Target for reading data throug an ADVANTECH PCI card, and used an m-file to create an RS232 object. This m-file leads both operations. It worked perfectly for a bout 20 lines of G-Code and then the CNC stoped working and gave an alarm of connection error. while the reading data from sensor continued to work correctly. I do not know what could be the problem. How is it possible to be connection error while MATLAB started to send data to CNC and it started to receive data (as i said 20 line of G-code). The CNC receives G-code from the same port though a DNC program and it has no problem then. This is the code i am using to send G_code: fprintf(CNC,sprintf('%s %.9f %s %.9f','G00 x',X0,' y',Y0)) Where CNC is the RS232 object, X0 andY0 are coordinates values. Could i get some help about this please. Thank you all.
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