From: tavares on 9 Mar 2010 14:23 Dear Colleague, Within the ICNAAM 2010 - 8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (, to be held in Rhodes, Greece, on 19-25 September 2010, we are organizing the Mini- Symposium on Computational Bioimaging and Visualization. Due to your research activities in the related fields, we would like to invite you to submit an invited extended abstract to our mini- symposium. Your contribution is mostly welcomed, and we would be honoured if you could accept this invitation. TOPICS OF INTEREST (not restricted to): - Image Processing and Analysis for Computational Bioimaging and Visualization; - Biomedical Signal and Image Acquisition and Processing; - Data Processing, Modeling and Analysis; - Scientific Visualization; - Enhanced Visualization; - Human Computer Interaction; - Simulation and Animation; - Virtual Reality; - Computer Aided Diagnosis, Surgery, Therapy, Treatment and Telemedicine Systems; - Software Development for Computational Bioimaging and Visualization; - Grid Computing in Computational Bioimaging and Visualization; - Applications of Computational Bioimaging and Visualization. IMPORTANT DATES: Deadline for Submission of Extended Abstract: July 22, 2010; Notification of acceptance: July 29, 2010; Deadline for Submission of the source files of the camera ready extended abstracts to American Institute of Physics (AIP Conference Proceedings): August 1, 2010. SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Extended abstracts will be published in a Special Volume of the AIP Conference Proceedings. Please, see the Instructions for Authors at:, and select the Mini-Symposium on Computational Bioimaging and Visualization when submitting your contribution. With kind regards, João Manuel R. S. Tavares, University of Porto, Portugal, tavares(a) Renato Natal Jorge, University of Porto, Portugal, rnatal(a) (Organizers of the Mini-Symposium on Computational Bioimaging and Visualization)
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