From: Rachid on
I want a code on matlab IFFT which allows me to convert in data frequency in temporal domain, my job is to make measurements in the mines after obtaining these data (the coefficients S21) I need a code IFFT for it transforms in a temporal domain to obtain the propagation parameters such as delay spread, delay, mean excess delay ...
I need your help

From: TideMan on
On May 6, 3:44 am, "Rachid " <aitjilalrac...(a)> wrote:
> hi;
> I want a code on matlab IFFT which allows me to convert in data frequency  in temporal domain, my job is to make measurements in the mines after obtaining these data (the coefficients S21) I need a code IFFT for it transforms in a temporal domain to obtain the propagation parameters such as delay spread, delay, mean excess delay ...
> I need your help
> Rachid

In fear of stating the bleeding obvious, have you looked at:
help ifft