From: GAURAV on
Hello Everyone,
I am working in Cerebral Aneurysm project. I have two 2D curves of aneuysms from Anterior Posterior and Lateral views. Here I have considered the height to remain constant- it means one dimension is common between the two images. I have put these two curvatures aligned in 3D . Now if we cut a slice in this view, we will get four points, two from each view.
So I have two higs to do,
1) Set the number of slices I want to cut in 3D viea and I will get 4 points from each slice.
2) Form an ellipse from these slices.

Please see if some one can help me. Please e mail me. I can attach and send you the two curves and plots which should give you a much better feel for the problem.

Thanks a lot,

From: ImageAnalyst on
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