From: Iarnrod on
On Aug 1, 3:55 am, * Hates US * foamed in impotent kooker rage:
<same disproven lies as usual with no evidence>

Hey bushfilth counter-disinfo shill, tell us the one about how you
keep posting physics-defying disproven physically impossible lies.

* Hates US * the bushfilth never posts evidence for his loony claims
because he is doing Bush's bidding by posing as an opponent but one
that is mentally insane, thereby tainting legitimate opposition to the
AWOL regime.
From: Iarnrod on
On Aug 1, 3:55 am, * Hates US * flailed in impotent kooker rage:

<same ol' lies>

Hey kook, how come you never let the fact that you've been proven
wrong stop you from posting your idiotic lies?

Seriously, I am interested in the pathology of that.
From: Iarnrod on
On Aug 1, 3:55 am, * Hates US * flailed in impotent kooker rage:

<same ol' lies>

Hey kook, how come you never let the fact that you've been proven
wrong stop you from posting your idiotic lies?
From: Iarnrod on
On Aug 1, 1:03 pm, * Hates US * flailed in impotent kooker rage:

<same ol' lies>

Hey kook, how come you never let the fact that you've been proven
wrong stop you from posting your idiotic lies?
From: Iarnrod on
On Aug 1, 1:03 pm, * Hates US * flailed in impotent kooker rage:

> On Tue, 27 Jul 2010 19:02:15 -0400, "P" <some...(a)> wrote:
> ><* US *> wrote in messagenews:l28346llr65qq0l4ik42pbsk9p585c26fg(a)
> >> "The public statements of many survivors contradict the
> >> Commission Report. And the words and actions of some
> >> of the victims on that terrible day are in conflict with the
> >> Commission Report."
> > They do not, of course.
> You just can't dispute it.

Oh but I did and not only that, I disproved it conclusively, proving
beyond any question that your claims defy the laws of physics are are
in fact impossible.

> Nobody can.

Everybody did.

> Noted.

That you are a brainless bushkultie nitwit.

> Those people know.

That you are an idiot.

> Their words stand.

And they contradict you and your physically impossible kooker klaims
that you spread on the kommand of your heroes Boooosh and Cheeeeeeney,
you counter-disinfo bushkultie shill.

<sips Victory Iced Tea>