From: AZZA Foster on
Does anyone know if it is possible to create charcteristic parameters for bwboundaries??


bwboundaries (image,charcteristic);
charcteristic = [0111000000000,
Something that basically identifies an L shape??
From: ImageAnalyst on
Not that I'm aware of. That is not an allowable argument for
bwboundaries(). You'd have to try something else like imfilter,
nlfilter, conv2, or something like that to basically make up a "hit or
miss filter". Or you can try a Harris corner detector if you're
looking to find corners.
From: ImageAnalyst on
This looks like a machine vision application. Therefore you can crop
the image to known coordinates since your 2D bar code should be in
pretty much the same position in every image. If this is not the case
then you need to shelve your image processing until you get control of
your image acquisition situation (which looks pretty bad at the
moment). It's always better to start with a good image rather than a
bad one.
From: AZZA Foster on
Thanks for the reply Image analyst

Yes this will be part of an image acquisition system. The image was pulled from the internet.
The image is about the resolution you would get from a CCD camera. The barcode would be clearer in actual use as the camera will be mounted above the image more or less central and will also be closer.

I have already made a few changes to the code above but i want to try and get my program working with this image as if it can pic up this barcode it should be able to pick up others with ease especially in the situation above.

axis square;
Image4 = Image3 >= 100;
scaled2 = Image4 * 1.0;
level = graythresh (scaled2);
bw = im2bw (scaled2, level);
bw = bwareaopen (bw, 6);
bw = ~bw;
horizontalProfile = max(~bw, [], 1);
x1 = find(horizontalProfile, 1, 'first');
x2 = find(horizontalProfile, 1, 'last');
verticalProfile =max(~bw, [], 2);
y1 = find(verticalProfile, 1, 'first');
y2 = find(verticalProfile, 1, 'last');
boxX = [x1 x2 x2 x1 x1];
boxY = [y1 y1 y2 y2 y1];
imshow(bw, []);
hold on;
plot (boxX,boxY,'r-');
cornerim = cornermetric (bw);
cornerim_adjusted = imadjust (cornerim);
corner_peaks = imregionalmax (cornerim_adjusted);
corner_idx = find(corner_peaks == true);
[r g b] = deal (cornerim);
r(corner_idx) = 255;
g(corner_idx) = 255;
b(corner_idx) = 0;
RGB = cat(3,r,g,b);
figure, imshow (RGB);

I might abandon the corner detection method and have inverted the original image and will try a density and border detection approach.
From: ImageAnalyst on
Maybe you could use a variance filter (go here
for a demo I posted on that this year). Then use morphological
closing to clump them (the dots) together, and then threshold and find
big blobs. Do a hole fill, then bwlabel and regionprops and finally
filter looking for a certain shape factor (perimeter squared over
area) that is representative of squares.

Or else try to find the pattern using a tophat (imtophat()) or bottom
hat filter.

Or you could try a hit or miss filter (bwhitmiss()) to try to find the
black dots surrounded by white areas. But this works on a binary
image so you need to have an image that can be thresholded nicely
before you can do this, a limitation the variance filter doesn't have.