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From: Dan Dunaev on
Hi All, one more question)
How can i rotate an image around user defined point. Not around its central point, like it possible to do with "imrotate"?
From: Walter Roberson on
Dan Dunaev wrote:

> How can i rotate an image around user defined point. Not around its
> central point, like it possible to do with "imrotate"?

Do mean rotate on the display, or that you want to create a new data
matrix that reflects the rotation? If the goal is to create a new data
matrix, then unless the rotations are 0, 90, 180, or 270, you will need
to create a larger matrix to embed the rotated image in (e.g. at 45
degrees the larger matrix would have to be sqrt(2) times taller or
wider), and you would then have to decide what values you want to go
into that larger matrix for the elements of the larger matrix that do
not exist in the rotated matrix...
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