From: Lancer on
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<Item name="Logontype" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Pasv" type="numeric">1</Item>
<Item name="FWHost" type="string"/>
<Item name="FWPort" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="FWUser" type="string"/>
<Item name="FWPass" type="string"/>
<Item name="Timeout Length" type="numeric">30</Item>
<Item name="Use Keep Alive" type="numeric">1</Item>
<Item name="Interval Low" type="numeric">15</Item>
<Item name="Interval High" type="numeric">30</Item>
<Item name="Num Retries" type="numeric">5</Item>
<Item name="Retry Delay" type="numeric">5</Item>
<Item name="Last Server Host" type="string">my_dom</Item>
<Item name="Last Server Port" type="numeric">21</Item>
<Item name="Last Server User" type="string">my_dom(a)my_dom</Item>
<Item name="Last Server Pass" type="string">*********</Item>
<Item name="Proxy Type" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Proxy Host" type="string"/>
<Item name="Proxy Port" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Proxy User" type="string"/>
<Item name="Proxy Pass" type="string"/>
<Item name="Proxy Use Logon" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Last Server Path" type="string">4096 0 11
<Item name="Last Server Firewall Bypass" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Language" type="string">Italiano</Item>
<Item name="Default Folder Type" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Default Folder" type="string">c:\</Item>
<Item name="Transfer Mode" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="ASCII files"
<Item name="No view labels" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="No toolbar" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="No Quickconnbar" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="No Statusbar" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="No Messagelog" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="No Treeview" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="No Queue" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Remember View settings" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Local List View Style" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Hide Local Columns" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Remote List View Style" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Hide Remote Columns" type="numeric">32</Item>
<Item name="Sitemanager on startup" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Use GSS" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="GSS enabled servers" type="string">;</Item>
<Item name="Last Server dont save pass" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Remember Window Size" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Last Window Size" type="string"/>
<Item name="Debug Trace" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Debug Show Listing" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Debug Log To File" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Debug Log File" type="string"/>
<Item name="Limit Port Range" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Port Range Low" type="numeric">1</Item>
<Item name="Port Range High" type="numeric">65535</Item>
<Item name="Remember Local View" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Remember Remote View" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Last Splitter Pos" type="string"/>
<Item name="Use directory cache" type="numeric">1</Item>
<Item name="Max Dir Cache Time" type="numeric">1800</Item>
<Item name="Last Server Type" type="numeric">4096</Item>
<Item name="Minimize to Tray" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Show Remote Treeview" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Remember Local column widths" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Remember Remote column widths" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Local column widths" type="string"/>
<Item name="Remote column widths" type="string"/>
<Item name="Local Filesize format" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Remote Filesize format" type="numeric">1</Item>
<Item name="Last server name" type="string">site_name</Item>
<Item name="Preserve DL file time" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Run in Secure Mode" type="string">0</Item>
<Item name="Default View Edit Prog" type="string">notepad</Item>
<Item name="Custom View Edit Progs" type="string"/>
<Item name="Always Show Hidden Files" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Primary TransferMax Size" type="numeric">1024</Item>
<Item name="Enable debug menu" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Transfer Api Count" type="numeric">2</Item>
<Item name="Use Registry" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Use multiple connections" type="numeric">1</Item>
<Item name="Use Ident server" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Ident when connecting only" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Ident reply same IP" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Ident OS" type="string">UNIX</Item>
<Item name="Ident UserID" type="string"/>
<Item name="File exists Action" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="SpeedLimit Download Type" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="SpeedLimit Upload Type" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="SpeedLimit Download Value" type="numeric">10</Item>
<Item name="SpeedLimit Upload Value" type="numeric">10</Item>
<Item name="SpeedLimit Download Rules" type="string"/>
<Item name="SpeedLimit Upload Rules" type="string"/>
<Item name="SiteManager Folders First" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="No Expand SiteManager Folders" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Show Local Statusbar" type="numeric">1</Item>
<Item name="Show Remote Statusbar" type="numeric">1</Item>
<Item name="Local column sort direction" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Remote column sort direction" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="SSH Use Compression" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="SSH Force Protocol" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Transfer IP" type="string"/>
<Item name="Local doubleclick action" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Remote doubleclick action" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Local treeview location" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Remote treeview location" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Last Server transfer mode" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Use custom messaglog font" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Messagelog font name" type="string"/>
<Item name="Messagelog font size" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Switch view locations" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Use MODE Z " type="numeric">2</Item>
<Item name="MODE Z level" type="numeric">8</Item>
<Item name="Transfer IP v6" type="string"/>
<Item name="Enable IPv6" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Log Timestamps" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="VMS display all revisions" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Last Server UTF8" type="numeric">0</Item>
<Item name="Anonymous password" type="string">anon@</Item>
<Item name="Last Server account" type="string"/>
<Item name="Last Server Timezone" type="numeric">0</Item>

From: J�rg Schneider on
Lancer wrote:

> <FileZilla>
> <Settings>
> <Item name="Logontype" type="numeric">0</Item>
> [...]
> </Settings>
> </FileZilla>

There were no site settings; they look like this:

<Site Name="My site" Host="" Port="21" User="access"
Account="" RemoteDir="/" LocalDir="F:\" Pass="***" Logontype="1"
FWBypass="0" DontSavePass="0" ServerType="0" PasvMode="1" TimeZoneOffset="0"
TimeZoneOffsetMinutes="0" Comments="" UTF8="0" DefaultSite="0"/>


From: Lancer on

Jörg Schneider ha scritto:
> There were no site settings; they look like this:

I remember when I exported settings, I've set Filezilla to export with
But I thought Filezilla exported the xml file with the reg settings...

From: CharlieDontSurf on
In article <1165487655.051802.252860(a)>,
peppeunz(a) says...
> Jörg Schneider ha scritto:
> > There were no site settings; they look like this:
> >
> I remember when I exported settings, I've set Filezilla to export with
> registry.
> But I thought Filezilla exported the xml file with the reg settings...

Did you export your sites in addition to your settings?

"How can i export and import my settings and sites?

If you've chosen to use the .xml file instead of the registry, all your
settings and sites are located in the filezilla.xml file which is in the
same directory as FileZilla. You could just backup that file to export
and copy it back to the FileZilla folder to import(overwriting all
previous settings and sites). If you've chosen to use the registry or
you would like to export/import only settings or sites, you could go
"Edit -> Export settings" to export your settings, and then in Site
Manager go "File -> Export" to export your sites. Notice there's also
import functions here so use them to import the settings back."
From: Lancer on

CharlieDontSurf ha scritto:
> Did you export your sites in addition to your settings?

Nob :-(