From: Jeff on 26 May 2010 11:56 I'll try to be a little more specific, although I believe I have found another way to import. Anyway, the file I need to import is auto generated after various calculations have been made. One of the columns lists distances in mm. These range anywhere from about 650 to 1100. The problem is that the column width is too small to display the larger numbers like 1045 - it gets displayed as ###### when the excel file is opened normally. I verified that the data is actually there; it is just a display issue when opening excel. So first, since it is a display issue, I'm not sure why xlsread doesn't read the data properly. However, I have since switched to the import() command and import the entire file into an array and then filter the data into a set of structures. The benefit is that the data import function completes the task in about 2 -3 seconds versus 10 -12 seconds with the xlsread. I assume this increase in speed is a result of having to call xlsread each time which has to vitually open the files for each data read. Hope this make since. If there is anything else I should look at please let know. I'm a new MatLab user, but absolutely love the software. Jeff |