From: Fumei2 via on
Ooops, I forgot your 8th word thing.

Dim oSection As Section
Dim r As Range
Dim ParaRange As Range
Dim TempDoc As Document

For Each oSection In ActiveDocument.Sections
Set r = oSection.Range
Set TempDoc = Documents.Add
With TempDoc
.Range = r
Set ParaRange = r.Paragraphs(8).Range
.SaveAs Filename:= ParaRange.Words(ParaRange.Words.Count - 1) & ".
End With
Set TempDoc = Nothing

This assumes the the 8th paragraph terminates with a paragraph mark. which is
counted as a "word", thus it is .Words.Count - 1 - to get the last text word
before the paragraph mark.

Fumei2 wrote:
>Let's deal with this first:
>"Also, is it possible to pull only a portion of the paragraph, i.e.
>only the last word??"
>You do not have the variable para declared - a bad thing really - but if it
>is a RANGE, then you can get the last word out.
>Dim strLastWord As String
>Dim rngPara as Range
>strLastWord = rngPara.Words(rngPara.Words.Count)
>You do NOT have to make a copy and paste operation. You can - again - use a
>Range object (with a Section object).
>Dim oSection As Section
>Dim r As Range
>Dim TempDoc As Document
>For Each oSection In ActiveDocument.Sections
> Set r = oSection.Range
> Set TempDoc = Documents.Add
> With TempDoc
> .Range = r
> .SaveAs Filename:= "whateverNameYou want"
> .Close
> End With
> Set TempDoc = Nothing
>>I found the original code through this link:
>[quoted text clipped - 48 lines]
>>Thank you in advance for any help!


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From: Fumei2 via on
Lastly, it should be mentioned that by hard-coding the paragraph number (8),
you had better be using proper styles, and none of those "empty" paragraphs
people use to make space between paragraphs. Each one of those is a real
paragraph and is counted!

Fumei2 wrote:
>Ooops, I forgot your 8th word thing.
>Dim oSection As Section
>Dim r As Range
>Dim ParaRange As Range
>Dim TempDoc As Document
>For Each oSection In ActiveDocument.Sections
> Set r = oSection.Range
> Set TempDoc = Documents.Add
> With TempDoc
> .Range = r
> Set ParaRange = r.Paragraphs(8).Range
> .SaveAs Filename:= ParaRange.Words(ParaRange.Words.Count - 1) & ".
> .Close
> End With
> Set TempDoc = Nothing
>This assumes the the 8th paragraph terminates with a paragraph mark. which is
>counted as a "word", thus it is .Words.Count - 1 - to get the last text word
>before the paragraph mark.
>>Let's deal with this first:
>[quoted text clipped - 39 lines]
>>>Thank you in advance for any help!


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