From: noisemetric stojiljkovic on
i'm no expert in the topics discussed above and don't want to be crucified for trying to contribute, but this is a forum so what the hell...i've come across similar posts before, and vaguely remember a note about r.m.s accuracy calculations based on the fft algorithms. could it be that the same formula is used to calculate rms from matlab which performs the calculation over double sided spectra, while labview and similar apps first convert to single sided spectra ? this would go in line with the 5-6 dB differences seen in the plots. now duck and cover...

From: Rune Allnor on
On 24 Mai, 16:51, "noisemetric stojiljkovic" <noisemet...(a)>
> i'm no expert in the topics discussed above and don't want to be crucified for trying to contribute, but this is a forum so what the hell...i've come across similar posts before, and vaguely remember a note about r.m.s accuracy calculations based on the  fft algorithms. could it be that the same formula is used to calculate rms from matlab which performs the calculation over double sided spectra, while labview and similar apps first convert to single sided spectra ? this would go in line with the 5-6 dB differences seen in the plots. now duck and cover...

The factor 2'ish issue (the DC and nyquist components must
be treated separately, as they only appear once in the spectrum)
is one of a large number os issues that must be handled correctly
to get the correct numbers in the end.

The problem as stated in this tread was how to relate the computed
numbers to sound pressure. You can't do that without the calibration
