From: David Andrs on

I generated a simple MFC application (single document w/o document/
view architecture) with status bar using MFC AppWizard (eVC 4.0). I
made it HiDPI aware including CEUX resource, #including shguim.h,
#including uihelper.h, calling HiDPI_InitScaling in InitInstance.

If I start this application on VGA device, the status bar is
positioned off the window (its lower half is covered by the menu bar).
If I enter About dialog (also generated by the wizard) and close it,
the status bar is repositioned and shown correctly. This does not
happen on QVGA devices (I tried it in WM5 emulator). It is also ok (on
VGA and QVGA), if there is no CEUX resource.

At very first begining, I thought, that the height of the status bar
is calculated incorrectly, but after some hours I found out that its
height is ok and the source of this problem is the incorrect size of
main window (CMainFrame). Note: I was playing with RecalcLayout()
which did not work for me - of course, because the problem is
somewhere else.

So, I ended up with SetWindowPos called for the main window in
CMainFrame::OnCreate. For calculating the height of the main window,
I'm using the <screen height> - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENU) - some
value. The value depends on the OS type (I was testing on PPC2003SE
and WM5 - emulator and I had to distinguish between them).

Is this problem known (I was searching the groups but with no
Is there a better solution how to fix this? I really do not like the
hack with distinguishing the device OS and using magic numbers for
correct window hight.
