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From: Joshua Maurice on 6 May 2010 00:48 On May 5, 8:34 pm, Lew <no...(a)> wrote: > Joshua Maurice wrote: > > No, no, and no. Perhaps you'll listen this time. > > And perhaps you won't be so damn rude next time. What the hell? > > You have consistently rejected every piece of good advice, given complete > nonsense excuses for doing so, and thrown mud in the face of people who try to > help you. What a piece of work! And you have done the same droning, repeating the same untruths which I have called out, and repeated them thrice in this thread. Such untruths include: 1- Jar-ing takes longer than java compilation. Correct: No it doesn't, at least not always, and I would wager not often judging from the actual numbers before me for my company's code base. 2- Halfway incremental works always in practice. Again, I have lots of evidence from the automated build in my own company that no, it doesn't. 3- Everyone immediately assumes that I'm going to implement it stupidity in make, invoking a separate JVM for each different jar-dir, possibly per java file. I have said numerous times that I would not do this, and this is not what I want. When people mention this, it is a straw man argument. It is a great disservice to me. I have been so rude because they have been rude to me first, except they were more insidious about it. PS: I do agree that we need to componentize. I disagree that incrementally correct builds are useless after that.
From: Joshua Maurice on 6 May 2010 00:50 On May 5, 9:48 pm, Joshua Maurice <joshuamaur...(a)> wrote: > On May 5, 8:34 pm, Lew <no...(a)> wrote: > > > Joshua Maurice wrote: > > > No, no, and no. Perhaps you'll listen this time. > > > And perhaps you won't be so damn rude next time. What the hell? > > > You have consistently rejected every piece of good advice, given complete > > nonsense excuses for doing so, and thrown mud in the face of people who try to > > help you. What a piece of work! > > And you have done the same droning, repeating the same untruths which > I have called out, and repeated them thrice in this thread. Such > untruths include: Sorry for the collective "you" there. I recognize that it was not literally "you" who have said everything. Freudian slip. It should read "him", or as a more dangerous general "them".
From: Lew on 6 May 2010 01:00 Joshua Maurice wrote: > I have been so rude because they have been rude to me first, except > they were more insidious about it. Plonk. -- Lew
From: Joshua Maurice on 6 May 2010 01:33 On May 5, 10:00 pm, Lew <no...(a)> wrote: > Joshua Maurice wrote: > > I have been so rude because they have been rude to me first, except > > they were more insidious about it. > > Plonk. Ok sir. As you will. I tried to have a decent and civil conversation about a technical detail - the ability to get the list of used class files per java file in java compilation. Instead of discussing my topic of interest, I was told half-truths which are repeated ad nauseum, and downright lies and misinformation. I am sorry sir that we will no longer have an intelligent discourse, or any discourse, but neither will I take such abuse lying down. I have asked numerous times for any such evidence that jar-ing indeed takes longer than java compilation, as I posit it does not and present evidence, and certain people have suggested the opposite for quite a while now. It does tend to grate on one's nerves.
From: Mike Schilling on 6 May 2010 01:45
Joshua Maurice wrote: > PS: I do agree that we need to componentize. I disagree that > incrementally correct builds are useless after that. I've worked in systems roughly as large as yours (tens of thousands of source file) which were layered, so that each seperately compiled subsystem had at most a few hundreds of files. At that point, there's no particular advantage to avoiding clean builds. During development, a developer works on a small set of subsystems. He knows when he's changing interfaces rather than implementations, and at that point can afford the clean build. The automated build-and-test might spend an hour or so on the clean build, but that's a small fraction of the time the tests take. |