From: Gurveer on
Thanks a lot for the help guys. I need some amount of time to figure
it out completely.

>I've pasted the actual message handler
>from the ROM that is used for this in things like the "single-var"
>stat form. It is from the old input form which I don't remember if it
>is any different, so it may be slightly different, but the same
>general operation will work.

>NULLNAME ArrayFP ( ... Msg --> ... T/F )
> #<>case FALSE
> EditArray

>** Edit a field with the MatrixWriter.
>NULLNAME EditArray ( --> )
> GetMyFieldId RclFieldVal DoArrayEdit
> GetMyFieldId SetFieldVal
> ( allow complete display update )

As you said that this is what it is in the ROM, I was just wondering
how did you pull that off. I mean like how did you get to know how has
that been written in the ROM. And moreover, is it possible to call
such functions like the numeric solver and alike in the Stats menu in
a program?

From: Andreas Möller on

> And moreover, is it possible to call
> such functions like the numeric solver and alike in the Stats menu in
Not officially, use Nosy to find it out.

However, you won´t be using the built-in numeric solver once you have
seen my faster full screen GUILSV which supports the whole screen and
all fonts and gives you an extra line if you disable the helpline. And
it works on the entire 49 series...

I am currently testing the RC and hope to have a version that I can
publish very soon.

From: Coltein on
On 4 nov, 00:55, Gurveer <gurveer....(a)> wrote:
> Thanks a lot for the help guys. I need some amount of time to figure
> it out completely.
> >I've pasted the actual message handler
> >from the ROM that is used for this in things like the "single-var"
> >stat form. It is from the old input form which I don't remember if it
> >is any different, so it may be slightly different, but the same
> >general operation will work.
> >NULLNAME ArrayFP                ( ... Msg --> ... T/F )
> >::
> >  #<>case FALSE
> >  EditArray
> >  TRUE
> >;
> >**
> >** Edit a field with the MatrixWriter.
> >**
> >NULLNAME EditArray              ( --> )
> >::
> >  GetMyFieldId RclFieldVal DoArrayEdit
> >    NOT?SEMI
> >  GetMyFieldId SetFieldVal
> >  ( allow complete display update )
> >;
> As you said that this is what it is in the ROM, I was just wondering
> how did you pull that off. I mean like how did you get to know how has
> that been written in the ROM. And moreover, is it possible to call
> such functions like the numeric solver and alike in the Stats menu in
> a program?
> Gurveer- Ocultar texto de la cita -
> - Mostrar texto de la cita -

Is in spanish, but the examples(source code) are very comprensible.
From: Andreas Möller on

> see:
> Is in spanish, but the examples(source code) are very comprensible.

Yes, that is probably the most complete header file outside of HP for
DoInputForm and that is the one if was referring to in a previous


From: Gurveer on
> see:
> Is in spanish, but the examples(source code) are very comprensible.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Seems to be a really good document. Spanish is hard! :)

After a bit of translation, it's making somewhat sense now. Thanks a

> Not officially, use Nosy to find it out.

Thank you for that. Now I know how to use Nosy to find out the
programs evaluated by different keystrokes using OT49. But what about
those which are not directly accessed like the Input forms which run
after the choose box for example in the Stats menu. S?UK asks for a
key to be pressed. What if I want to know the InputForm which runs
when a NEW variable is to be created in the filer?

Thanks a lot!
