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From: robertm600635 on 29 Nov 2009 22:46 I have an insert query that runs every day at midnight that records our client's current environmental status (it's for a mental health facility). Here's the code: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSERT INTO dbo.tblCensusHistoryWithDischarge (FullName, LastName, FirstName, FileNumber, ClientNumber, StaffID, Environment, Location, Residence, FundSource, Act10, StartDate, ExpEndDate, EndDate, CensusTimestamp) SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.tblClients.LastName + N', ' + dbo.tblClients.FirstName AS FullName, dbo.tblClients.LastName, dbo.tblClients.FirstName, dbo.tblClients.FileNumber,dbo.tblClients.ClientNumber, dbo.tblEnvironments.StaffID, dbo.tblEnvironments.Environment, dbo.tblEnvironments.Location, dbo.tblEnvironments.Residence, dbo.tblEnvironments.FundSource, dbo.tblEnvironments.Act10, dbo.tblEnvironments.StartDate, dbo.tblEnvironments.ExpectedEndDate, dbo.tblEnvironments.EndDate, CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), GETDATE(), 101) FROM dbo.tblClients INNER JOIN dbo.tblEnvironments ON dbo.tblClients.ClientID = dbo.tblEnvironments.ClientID WHERE (dbo.tblEnvironments.EndDate IS NULL) ORDER BY FullName ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The WHERE condition is there so the query only captures clients who are currently in some phase of treatment, therefore the EndDate field is null. I need to add another condition so I can also record clients who were discharged on the current date. All dates are entered on the front end in mm/dd/yyyy format so in the tables they look like mm/dd/yyyy 00:00:00.000. I've played around with it for a while but can't get it right. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.
From: Plamen Ratchev on 29 Nov 2009 23:32 If the dates stored are with time set at midnight, then this should work: WHERE dbo.tblEnvironments.EndDate IS NULL OR dbo.tblEnvironments.EndDate = DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, '20010101', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), '20010101') -- Plamen Ratchev
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