From: giovanni_re on
I'd appreciate an answer on these questions from any knowledgeable
person, & especially would really like to hear from the maintainer of
the partioner on the alternate installer - please tell me if that is
you, thanks. :)

I'm seeing what I think are GRUB & partitioner issues in Ubuntu 10.04
(probably starting around 9.10), where Ubuntu, IIRC, introduced UUIDs &
GRUB2(?). With a Ub9.10 install on a laptop (adding on to a 9.04, with
additional partitions, & having a windows first partition), I can't
create a partition in the 10GB free space. When I did the 9.10 install,
it did something strange, hard to explain, something like causing my
boot into 9.04 to use the proper kernel, but be using the data
space/partition from 9.10. Also, IIRC, I had 2 partitions that gparted
showed had the same uuid.

I ran Debian from about 1998-2005, & Ubuntu from 2005-2010. I only use
the "alternate" installer, so that I can custom set my partitions. I've
never had problems like this before Ub 9.10.

My questions are largely about the difference between what Debian has/is
been/doing, & what Ubuntu began doing in the past release or two, wrt
the partitioner, GRUB, LVM, & UUIDs, HAL, etc.

IIRC, Ubuntu began doing stuff differently than Debian, like with UUIDs,
& now, from the release notes on Ub 10.4, they say they are now removing
their addition of HAL (UUIDs?) in order to enable faster bootup.
"This release fully removes HAL from the boot process, making Ubuntu
faster to boot and faster to resume from suspend."

Did ubuntu do something unwise with making use of UUIDs, & now they are
backtracking? Did Debian do any of that?

Here's my post & thread from yesterday with more info:
10.4 Partition Disks Error Unable satisfy constraints, overlapping
With this error message from the alternate installer partitioner:
"Partition Disks > Error: Unable to satisfy all constraints on the
: Can't have overlapping partitions."
(Note: it failed to give any useful numerics, ex partition overlap
positions, that would enable progress if seeing what was wrong, or
determining if there was a bug in the partitioner sw.)

What sw is the partitioner in the alternate installer? parted? fdisk?

GPartEd (0.4.3) from 9.04, fully apt updated, (& the "help" doesn't
exist), on an install on a different machine, where I put a data
partition in the extended partition, for info about the "lvm2"
"filesystem" there, says "Warning: Logical Volume Management is not yet
supported". Has that been fixed yet? What's the state of LVM in
current Debian & Ubuntu?

What new things Ubuntu is doing, wrt these issues, is being put into
Debian? Is debian usin HAL, UUIDs, LVM, GFUB2, etc??

Well, there are so many questions here, cause there seem to be several
deficiencies in various parts of the sw Ubuntu is/has beenusing/used
(partitioner in installer, GRUB2, LVM, HAL), I'm looking for any
knowledgeable info regarding the current state & cautions & future
likely status of all this. Any & all knowledgeable insight
greatly/advice appreciated.

Thanks. :)

(I'm asking this exact same post/questions on both the Debian & Ubuntu
lists, in case you wish to look to the other list for their replies.)

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