From: mahdert on
On Jun 27, 10:36 am, "Peter C. Chapin" <pcc482...(a)> wrote:
> On 2010-06-26 20:09, mahdert wrote:
> > I just installed GNAT GPL on windows 7 and it works fine.
> Did you do that installation as an "ordinary" user or did you run the
> installer as an administrator?
> I'm just asking because I anticipate getting a new Windows 7 machine in
> a couple of weeks and of course one of the first things going on it will
> be GNAT GPL 2010. :)
> Peter

I installed it as an administrator. With all the other languages it
supports they have, it took a little while to get the correct settings
to compile and run ADA code but after that, its been running fine.

From: Paul on
Peter C. Chapin wrote:

> On 2010-06-26 20:09, mahdert wrote:
> > I just installed GNAT GPL on windows 7 and it works fine.
> Did you do that installation as an "ordinary" user or did you run the
> installer as an administrator?
> I'm just asking because I anticipate getting a new Windows 7 machine
> in a couple of weeks and of course one of the first things going on
> it will be GNAT GPL 2010. :)
> Peter

I had the same problem as others reported with the HKLM (registry mod?)
error and used the "Run as administrator" option from the right mouse
button popup menu. Seemed strange to me as I'm the only user for this
system and my user id has administrator status.

My biggest problem was getting the linker to work with GTKADA libraries
and I recall I had much the same problem with GPL2009. I still had my
2009 GNAT install and I returned to that and things worked fine. This
morning I tried again with the GPL2010 version and it all worked. So
I'm not sure exactly what the problem was but I suggest installing GNAT
first and then rebooting before installing the other components.

The only other problem I had was GPS finding the GTKADA.GPR file. In
the 2009 version I only needed "with "GTKADA.GPR"" in the project file
but in the 2010 version I needed to provide the full path to
GTKADA.GPR. In my case it was "with

Perhaps I've corrupted something in the GPS configuration files having
two versions installed.

I haven't tried the win32 component because my current project doesn't
use it. While I was trying to get the GTKADA linking issue solved I
fiddled with the environments paths and other settings but in the end I
only needed the GNAT bin directory in the PATH environment variable.
This was the same for my GPL2009 install.



From: Albrecht Käfer on
On Tue, 29 Jun 2010 03:03:55 +0200, Paul <pcas1986(a)> wrote:
> I had the same problem as others reported with the HKLM (registry mod?)
> error and used the "Run as administrator" option from the right mouse
> button popup menu. Seemed strange to me as I'm the only user for this
> system and my user id has administrator status.

Ah, but with default settings, the administrators are running with
Standard User status unless explicitly elevated. One of the new security
features of Vista, since people still run as administrator for day-to-day
work for no good reason.

If you don't like that, lower your UAC setting and enjoy your malware.

From: casp_1986 on
On Jun 29, 2:49 pm, Albrecht Käfer <albrecht_kae...(a)> wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Jun 2010 03:03:55 +0200, Paul <pcas1...(a)> wrote:
> > I had the same problem as others reported with the HKLM (registry mod?)
> > error and used the "Run as administrator" option from the right mouse
> > button popup menu.  Seemed strange to me as I'm the only user for this
> > system and my user id has administrator status.
> Ah, but with default settings, the administrators are running with
> Standard User status unless explicitly elevated. One of the new security
> features of Vista, since people still run as administrator for day-to-day
> work for no good reason.
> If you don't like that, lower your UAC setting and enjoy your malware.
> Albrecht

Well I'm not going to do that :o) I haven't paid any attention to UAC
before so thank you for the info. Dare I say it but Windows seems to
be moving in the same direction as Linux for security. I find Linux
file permissions somewhat irritating at times but then Windows, in a
standalone - non server role, had little or no security in the past.

On a positive note I have found nice stuff in the latest GPL GPS
version such as hotlinks to declarations and bodies. Perhaps they
were always there but their Tip of the Day pointed some out to me.
Hopefully Adacore haved fixed the bug that occasionally prevented
saving files using the "Save as" option. Though I suspect Windows 7
had a part in that problem. The same problem also showed up
occasionally when trying to add files to a project.

From: Albrecht Käfer on
On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 15:50:37 +0200, Albrecht Käfer
<albrecht_kaefer(a)> wrote:
> Also, while GNAT for .Net tries to integrate with Visual Studio 2010, it
> fails. Somehow. There's an entry for Ada projects, but it doesn't work.
> One wonders if they actually test their (free) products; seeing that they
> are basically advertisement for GNAT Pro, they might want to put some
> work into it.

Update: GNAT for .Net did correctly integrate with Visual Studio 2008 on
Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard 32-bit. That is good to know.
