From: Morris Keesan on
On Fri, 11 Sep 2009 13:54:38 -0400, markspace <nospam(a)> wrote:

> Morris Keesan wrote:
>>>> Integer i = ...;
>>>> Long l = ...;
>>>> assertEquals(i,l); // assertEquals is ambigous, doesnt work
>> or simply sidestep the issue by replacing the assertEquals with
>> assertTrue(i == l);
> Will that work if i and l are objects instead of primitives, as has
> already been indicated?

No. My apologies. I've been dealing with too many different languages,
and I lose track. I was thinking of
assertTrue(i.equals(l)), or assertTrue(l.equals(i))
but looking at the documentation I see that those won't work either,
because Integer.equals() never returns true if its parameter isn't an
Integer, and similarly for Long.equals(), so never mind.

Morris Keesan -- mkeesan(a)
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