From: JSH on
a new spy station, he issued a press statement explaining that the station
would provide greater independence in intelligence matters: "For years there
has been concern about our dependence on others and all that implies. This
government is committed to standing on its own two feet."

Lange believed the statement. Even as Prime Minister, no one had told him
about the ECHELON Dictionary system and the way the new station would fit in.

His first experience of the UKUSA alliance was its security 'indoctrination'
(they really use this word). The indoctrination was done by GCSB security
officer Don Allan, and consisted of a strict lecture about never, for the
rest of his life, talking about his job with anyone except other indoctrinated
people. GCSB workers are forbidden to say anything about their work, even to
their partners.

The indoctrination concluded with Holmes signing the two page indoctrination
form, which refers to New Zealand laws for punishing infringements (in the
Crimes Act) but which originates primarily

From: JSH on
has a lower
obligation for third-party copyrights than they did for software they
contracted for themselves, like Sybase. Salomon didn't have a UNIX source
license, so obviously the employee had gotten it elsewhere.

In the following statistic, it was the only non-Salomon source code.

We went from zero monitoring of Internet email traffic to...

> On 3/21/96 we had our first security incident report.
> By 3/26/96 we had an astonishing 38,000 lines of proprietary source code
> outbound.
> We were mentally unprepared. Figuratively we were pulling our hair out
> wondering when the madness would stop.
> It never did.

As I said, the results of keyword monitoring were stunning.

If you look up computer security literature and read up on security incidents,
you'll notice none are more articulate about inside-employee incidents other
than to describe the people as "disgruntled employees".


I'll go over some of the major categories of incidents I encountered.
Keyword monitoring is abstract to most people;

From: S.C.Sprong on
* private information or put any of that on a "license" in a bar-code, or
* put it in their computers? NO? Neither did the Alabama legislature.
* If DPS gets by with this, the information on your driver's license
* will be "scanned" into a computer and stored. The police can find out
* anyplace you use your driver's license -- where you bank, how often,
* where you shop, what you buy, where you go -- anyplace your driver's
* license is used for "i.d." and is "scanned". Every store you do
* business with can ALSO store all this information about you on THEIR
* computers, wherever you use your driver's license. It has nothing to do
* with driving or "making the roads safe." It has EVERYTHING to do with
* making it easy for police and others to spy on you and control you.
* The same company making the national I.D. card for Communist China
* will be providing the technology to Alabama to make this happen. Seven
* months ago, the laboratory that makes the equipment for the
* fingerprinting, barcoding and scanning, brazenly announced it has a
* contract with the State of Alabama, and only recently, has the WHOLE
* truth, about DPS's plan to require the fingerprinting, barcoding, and
* scanning come out.
* They claim to be "accepting public comments" about this until July

This is the main way our Federal Government is rolling out the National ID
Card, using a Universal Biometric Card: driver's licenses.

Divide and Conquer, state by state.

It is the beginning of the end.

Don't think the biometric driver's licenses are the exact equivalent of a
National ID Card? Check out this phrasing from an unimplemented law:

# Privacy Journal, By Robert Ellis Smith, October 1983 issue
# Senator Bob Dole wants the government to conduct a thr

From: Pubkeybreaker on
was about
* to board an American airlines flight to Houston to buy flowers and shrubs.
* He was a second-generation family florist and on February 27, 1991 he was
* carrying $9600 in cash because the wholesalers prefer cash.
* This time, however, apparently because Jones fit a "profile" of what drug
* dealers are supposed to look like, two police officers stopped him,
* searched him and seized his $9600. The businessman was given a receipt
* and told he was free to go.
* "No evidence of wrongdoing was ever produced. No charges were ever filed.
* As far as anyone knows, Willie Jones neither uses drugs nor buys nor sells
* them. He is a gardening contractor who bought an airplane ticket. Who lost
* his hard-earned money to the cops." After a long legal battle and a lot of
* publicity, Jones got his money back.
* [snip]
* Paolo Alvarez: "I believe in God, but the government's seizure of all my
* savings was really horrible. I felt trapped and I almost flipped out."
* Alvarez was a landscape contractor, cautious and frugal, who saved his
* money. Several years ago, however, Alvarez began listening to the
* speeches of Ross Perot, especially Perot's exaggerated [beat the drum
* of fear] warnings that the nation's savings and loan institutions
* were about to collapse. As a reult of mounting anxiety generated by
* the Texas businessman, Alvarez decided to move the nest egg from his
* savings and loan.
* He placed some of the money in a regular bank and hid

From: Pubkeybreaker on
Firstname Lastname #9
Firstname Lastname #10
Firstname Lastname #11
Firstname Lastname #12
Firstname Lastname #13

Prepared by Guy on N/NN/NN.


Person #1
: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
: File: <snip> Size: 1,893 Date: N/NN/NN
: from <Mary lastname>
: rcpt <Cathy lastname>
: Subject: re: fw: humor -forwarded -reply
: Hey Cathy-
: Okay so far. I'm thinking of changing my job. I'm interviewing with
: Morgan Stanley soon.
: [snip]
: miss you,
: Mary
: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
: File: <snip> Size: 1,968 Date: N/NN/NN
: from <Mary lastname>
: rcpt <Cathy lastname>
: Subject: re: ?
: You're doing fine I'll bet. Myself: I am going to switch jobs again.
: A better offer was given to me by Morgan Stanley, and I'm contemplating
: it. Currently, I've been moved in with my boss. It sucks.

Person #2
: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
: File: <snip> Size: 45,214 Date: N/NN/NN
: from <Bob(a)company>
: rcpt <digits(a)>
: Subject: Contracts
: Hello,
: This mail address was given to me by Fred McChat who has started work
: at Swift. I'm sending my friend's CV in addition to my own.
: Please give me a call to talk about this on 01