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From: Ada novice on
On Jul 25, 7:06 pm, "Dmitry A. Kazakov" <mail...(a)>
> C files or library files?

> With library files (import or object) it is simpler

> (If you have only a shared library then it would require a bit more work.)

It's a library file in IMSL named imslcmath_dll.lib

To use IMSL C library there are 2 steps:

1. Specify the location of the IMSL header files. It's an "include"
directory in the IMSL directory

2. Add the actual IMSL C library to the project. This IMSL C library
is called imslcmath_dll.lib which is in a "lib" directory in the IMSL
directory. There are other lib files, but this one is used for
numerical tasks.

I'm able to do the above easily with MVS2008/2010. The first step is
adding the "include" directory under Project > Configuration
Properties > C/C++ > General. The second step is hust Project > Add
existing item.

I have only limited experience with GPS but let's give it a try:

First I add create a folder and put the file, imsl.adb and
main_ada_file.adb (my testmatrix.adb). Then I create a project gpr,
specifying the main file and the source directory (containing our 3

Then according to my step 1 from above, I add the folder "include"
from IMSL as also a source directory. So now I have 2 source

Then for step 2, I need to add the imslcmath_dll.lib file? How do I do
that in GPS? I can compile all 3 files, imsl.adb,
main_ada_file.adb in GPS. Then how do I proceed?

How do I do this in GPS:

> gnatmake main_ada_file.adb --largs library_file.lib

Sorry if I'm not that good enough to understand your explanations

Thanks for your kind help and patience.

From: Ada novice on
On Jul 25, 7:06 pm, "Dmitry A. Kazakov" <mail...(a)>

> C files or library files?
> With library files (import or object) it is simpler

> (If you have only a shared library then it would require a bit more work.)

It's a library file in IMSL named imslcmath_dll.lib

To use IMSL C library there are 2 steps:

1. Specify the location of the IMSL header files. It's an "include"
directory in the IMSL directory.

2. Add the actual IMSL C library to the project. This IMSL C library
is called imslcmath_dll.lib which is in a "lib" directory in the IMSL
directory. There are other lib files, but this one is used for
numerical tasks.

I'm able to do the above easily with MVS2008/2010. The first step is
adding the "include" directory under Project > Configuration
Properties > C/C++ > General. The second step is just Project > Add
existing item.

I have only limited experience with GPS but let's give it a try:

First I create a folder and put the file, imsl.adb and
main_ada_file.adb (my testmatrix.adb). Then I create a project gpr,
specifying the main file and the source directory (containing our 3

Then according to my step 1 from above, I add the folder "include"
from IMSL as also a source directory. So now I have 2 source

Then for step 2, I need to add the imslcmath_dll.lib file? How do I do
that in GPS? I can compile all 3 files, imsl.adb,
main_ada_file.adb in GPS. Then how do I proceed?

How do I do this in GPS:

> gnatmake main_ada_file.adb --largs library_file.lib

Sorry if I'm not that good enough to understand your explanations

Thanks for your kind help and patience.
From: Simon Wright on
Simon Wright <simon(a)> writes:

> You don't need to use "-c". Try just
> gnatmake testmatrix.adb
> It'll compile testmatrix.adb and imsl.adb for you, do the bind, and try
> to do the link, but you'll get a linker error because it can't find
> imsl_f_eig_gen.
> Above, you wrote a C test:
> and when you built that you must have told GCC where to find the IMSL
> library: something like the "-limsl" below.
> gcc testprogram.c -o testprogram -limsl
> You can do exactly the same with gnatmake:
> gnatmake testmatrix.adb -largs -limsl

Of course, the above are all command-line-oriented and rather Unix-y at
that. Sorry I don't know how to deal with .lib files and .dlls, and
can't check any suggestions I might make out because I'm not running on
Windows ... I suspect others will be able to help more.
From: Ada novice on
On Jul 25, 7:47 pm, Simon Wright <si...(a)> wrote:
> Of course, the above are all command-line-oriented and rather Unix-y at
> that. Sorry I don't know how to deal with .lib files and .dlls, and
> can't check any suggestions I might make out because I'm not running on
> Windows ... I suspect others will be able to help more.

Thanks. Yes it'll be hard to do these things on the command line I
suppose. I hope as you said to get some help from some Windows guys

From: Dmitry A. Kazakov on
On Sun, 25 Jul 2010 10:40:09 -0700 (PDT), Ada novice wrote:

> On Jul 25, 7:06�pm, "Dmitry A. Kazakov" <mail...(a)>
> wrote:
>> C files or library files?
>> With library files (import or object) it is simpler
>> (If you have only a shared library then it would require a bit more work.)
> It's a library file in IMSL named imslcmath_dll.lib
> To use IMSL C library there are 2 steps:
> 1. Specify the location of the IMSL header files. It's an "include"
> directory in the IMSL directory

You do not need include files

> 2. Add the actual IMSL C library to the project. This IMSL C library
> is called imslcmath_dll.lib which is in a "lib" directory in the IMSL
> directory. There are other lib files, but this one is used for
> numerical tasks.
> I'm able to do the above easily with MVS2008/2010. The first step is
> adding the "include" directory under Project > Configuration
> Properties > C/C++ > General. The second step is hust Project > Add
> existing item.
> I have only limited experience with GPS but let's give it a try:
> First I add create a folder and put the file, imsl.adb and
> main_ada_file.adb (my testmatrix.adb). Then I create a project gpr,
> specifying the main file and the source directory (containing our 3
> files).
> Then according to my step 1 from above, I add the folder "include"
> from IMSL as also a source directory. So now I have 2 source
> directories.
> Then for step 2, I need to add the imslcmath_dll.lib file? How do I do
> that in GPS? I can compile all 3 files, imsl.adb,
> main_ada_file.adb in GPS. Then how do I proceed?
> How do I do this in GPS:
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
package IMSL is
type Float_Matrix is -- Row-wise, packed/aligned
array (Positive range <>, Positive range <>) of C_Float;
pragma Convention (C, Float_Matrix);
type F_Complex is record
Re : C_Float;
Im : C_Float;
end record;
pragma Convention (C, F_Complex);
type Complex_Array is array (Positive range <>) of F_Complex;
pragma Convention (C, Complex_Array);

function F_Eig_Gen (Matrix : Float_Matrix) return Complex_Array;
end IMSL;
-------------------------- imsl.adb
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
with System; use System;
package body IMSL is
procedure Free (Ptr : System.Address);
pragma Import (C, Free, "free");

function F_Eig_Gen (Matrix : Float_Matrix) return Complex_Array is
if Matrix'Length (1) /= Matrix'Length (2) then
raise Constraint_Error;
end if;
function imsl_f_eig_gen
(N : Int; A : Address; Terminator : Address :=
return Address;
pragma Import (C, imsl_f_eig_gen, "imsl_f_eig_gen");
Ptr : Address := imsl_f_eig_gen
( Matrix'Length (1),
Matrix ( Matrix'First (1),
Matrix'First (2)
)' Address
Data : Complex_Array (1..Matrix'Length (1));
for Data'Address use Ptr;
pragma Import (Ada, Data);
Result : Complex_Array := Data; -- Copy, we don't own that memory
Free (Ptr);
return Result;
end F_Eig_Gen;
end IMSL;
------------------------------------ imsl.gpr
project IMSL is
for Source_Files use ("imsl.adb", "");
package Linker is
for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("imslcmath_dll.lib");
end Linker;
end IMSL;
----------------------------------- test.adb
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with IMSL; use IMSL;
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
procedure Test is
Values : Complex_Array :=
( ( ( 8.0,-1.0,-5.0),
(-4.0, 4.0,-2.0),
(18.0,-5.0,-7.0) )
for Index in Values'Range loop
( '('
& C_Float'Image (Values (Index).Re)
& " ,"
& C_Float'Image (Values (Index).Im)
& ')'
end loop;
end Test;
------------------------------------ test.gpr
with "imsl.gpr";
project Test is
for Source_Files use ("test.adb");
for Main use ("test.adb");
package Linker renames IMSL.Linker;
end Test;

put "imslcmath_dll.lib into the same directory or change its path in the
project files. Make sure that the DLL is in the search path when you start
the program.

Dmitry A. Kazakov
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