From: hamilton on
On 4/17/2010 1:41 AM, Guy Eschemann wrote:
> Hamilton,
> the system is connected to a PC via a gigabit ethernet interface.
> Ideally, the data will be transmitted in real-time to the PC and
> logged to the card for backup. In case something goes wrong with the
> network or the PC during the data acquisition, the data (which can be
> worth tens of thousands of dollars) will still be readable from the
> card (via ethernet) after the acquisition has completed.
> As you said, I could also use a few DIMM modules to store the whole
> file, but flash gives me additional immunity against power
> interruptions. Also, since this is for an embedded application that
> will be built for the next 10 years, I'm looking for solutions that
> will be available a bit longer than the few years these DIMM modules
> typically have.
> Thanks,
> Guy.

Hi Guy,

Sounds like a interesting project.

I hope you can give more details about its use in the future.

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