From: Mr. Arnold on
Dan wrote:
> I am learning VB.NET for sometime now and curious to know what am I missing
> by not learning C#.
> Also wanted to know is there anything VB.NET can do and C# cannot.
> Looks like C# getting popular day by day.
> Thanks for your guidence.
> Dan

VB.Net cannot do Lambda expressions. But supposedly, that's a new
feature coming in VB.NET VS 2010. C#.Net can use Lambda expressions

VB.Net has a more limit usage of 'pointers', and C#.Net doesn't have a
limitation in using 'pointers'.

C#.Net has Auto-Implemented properties. I guess they are working on that
in VB.Net.

C#.NET is a standard and is controlled by the ISO and ECMA Standard
Committees, which MS sits on the committees along with IBM, HP and
others to control what happens to C#.NET. That's why C#.NET is popular.

VB.NET is propritary to MS and MS controls VB.Net.
From: Jason Keats on
Dan wrote:
> I am learning VB.NET for sometime now and curious to know what am I missing
> by not learning C#.
> Also wanted to know is there anything VB.NET can do and C# cannot.
> Looks like C# getting popular day by day.
> Thanks for your guidence.
> Dan