From: M P on
Hi ... I have been having this problem for a few days and just have not been able to figure it out yet. I have wrote a standalone application for windows using Matlab R2009a and attempted to compile it using the version 7.10 compiler. The code compiles fine on the compiling machine and I can run it from the command line on the compiling machine without error.

After installing the MCR on the target machine and transferring the *.exe and *.ctf files as well as creating an .exe.manifest file to get around some issue with the compiler (another post dealt with this issue), i get the following error upon execution:

??? index exceeds matrix dimensions

Error in ==> Main at 34

(additional error msgs tracing through the called functions)

What this error is referring to is the following code:


function [ output_args ] = Main( physEmail )
%TEST Summary of this function goes here
% Detailed explanation goes here

%*** SECTION: open data files *******************************************%
%*** Open DIMCOM header file ****%

[dFileName, dPathName] = uigetfile('RP*.dcm','Select dicom header file');
info = dicominfo([dPathName,'/',dFileName]);

%*** Open Treatment Printout ***%
[tFileName, tPathName] = uigetfile('tp.html','Select Treatment Printout file');
htext = fileread([tPathName,'/',tFileName]);

tpPatientName = []; expression =[]; pat=[]; temp=[];
Pemail = physEmail;

%*** SECTION: Get Patient Identification from files **********************%
%*** DICOM header***%

PatientName_first = info.PatientName.GivenName;
PatientName_middle = info.PatientName.MiddleName;
PatientName_last = info.PatientName.FamilyName;
PatientName_prefix = info.PatientName.NamePrefix;
PatientMRN = info.PatientID;

%*** TP.html ***%
%* Patient Name *%
expression = 'Patient\sname</TH>\s+<TD\sclass="headerinfo"\scolspan="3">\s+(.*?)\s+</TD>';
pat = '<[^>]*>|(Patient\sname)';
temp = char(regexp(htext, expression, 'match'));
tpPatientName = regexprep(strtrim(regexprep(regexprep(temp(1,:), pat, ''), '\s+', ' ....... ')),'[^\S'']','');


Any ideas why this would only throw an error on a deployed machine? Ugh :(
From: M P on
Bump ... any thoughts?
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