Simple regex replace Hello, Quick one: I'm trying to remove this from a String: "<![CDATA[" But when using this line it ignores it (Would usually just single escape it but java doesn't like that either): tagContents.replaceAll("<!\\[CDATA\\[", ""); When using this one it throws an execption (With good cause since [ is a rege... 5 May 2010 23:48
jsp webhost on internet as a java programmer, i don't know where to turn to but this newsgroup. does any jsp programmer know of a webhost that i can subscribe to its service. the hosts i see on the internet are mostly asp and php. can't start learning asp or php for that reason. what i need precisely is a webhost with jsp support ... 5 May 2010 21:35
Heap generations and garbage collector tuning - which tools? Hello, I am trying to tune the garbage collector of a Glassfish-based web application. I have collected tons of gc logs and heap sizes. The logs clearly show that minor collections (young generation) do not collect much and the heap size keeps increasing until a full garbage collection kicks in. The heap is 2gb (... 4 May 2010 21:17
Applet to run on Win 98, Win ME, Win XP, Win Vista & Win 7 ?? Hi gurus, In our JSF/JSP application we use applet to do client side printing. The chalenge is that the application must run on various windows version, i.e : Win 98, Win ME, Win XP, Win Vista & Win 7. Is there any known concern/issue on this applet portability for those WIndows versions ? Thank you very mu... 6 May 2010 20:56
How to extend BufferedImage class to support Hi! I need your help to finish my image compression project. How to build a BufferedImage class to support YCbCr color scheme (luminance channel and two chrominance)? Can you give me some tips, what I should to change? I was thinking about adding getYCbCr() method, which would be used getRGB() and calculate... 5 May 2010 23:48
get name of operation system I use the method System.getProperty("") to get the name of operation system. For the most computers it works fine. But on some computers it is installed windows 7, but this method shows that the operation system is windows vista. What can be the reason? ... 3 May 2010 20:55
file reader returning null when file is not null content hello, any assistance would be largely appreciated. File FileChecker=new File("/Users/Jason/ Desktop/ad_log.txt"); if (!FileChecker.exists()){ FileChecker.createNewFile(); }else{ //... 13 May 2010 22:39
Incremental Java Compile I'm back. I've been learning a lot over the last couple of months, toying around with solutions, and realizing the inadequacies of each approach I've tried. From a high level perspective, I realized what I want from a build system: A developer should be able to do any combination of the following actions and tri... 28 May 2010 00:41
Understanding java app CPU usage under Linux I'm fairly new to Java. I have several long-running instances of UIMA [1] running on a Linux server. Together they peg all four CPUs, but I notice that there is a much higher proportion of system load to user load than I am accustomed to seeing with CPU-intensive applications. Is this typical for Java apps (perha... 3 May 2010 18:42
Issue with too-slow LDAP queries I wrote some java code to do LDAP queries. It runs quite slowly and I don't know why. On a query that returns about 275K entries my code takes about 50 minutes to complete, where the Sun "ldapsearch" tool takes about 8 minutes. Is this expected? Does the Java LDAP implementation just have that much overhead?... 30 Apr 2010 17:24 |