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Checking when browser is closing
Hello all. I've looked on Google and it appears there is no definitive way of checking when someone closes a browser. I need to perform a load of things when the browser closes and need to check when the browser shuts down. How do you deal with it? Graham ... 3 Mar 2010 23:05
FAQ Topic - How do I download a page to a variable? (2010-03-02)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Topic - How do I download a page to a variable? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Although ` XMLHttpRequest ` can be used to download entire pages, it is often used for downloading small pieces of da... 2 Mar 2010 19:12
FAQ Topic - What is Ajax? (2010-03-01)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Topic - What is Ajax? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ajax is shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. The technology is based on the ` XMLHttpRequest ` Object. At its simplest, it is the se... 28 Feb 2010 20:03
JSLint Reports on last 2 Production Versions of jQuery
Results of jQuery new production version and last production version on JSLint ( ) 1.4.2 ,new jQuery production version (compared to the last 'production version', 1.3.2). The new one seems to have about 20% more errors _and_, more importantly, seems (to me) to have more serious errors. ... 14 Mar 2010 23:10
FAQ Entry Proposal: What is (function(){ /*...*/ })() ?
The subject of functions comes up enough that it warrants a section in the FAQ. The section could be inserted before dates. Of the questions on functions, the most common is that of anonymous functions used to create closures, so as 4 Functions 4.1 What is (function(){ /*...*/ })() ? 5 Dates 5.1 Ho... 11 Mar 2010 00:12
FAQ Topic - How do I POST a form to a new window? (2010-02-27)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Topic - How do I POST a form to a new window? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Use the target attribute on the form, opening a window with that name and your feature string in the onsubmit handler of... 26 Feb 2010 19:46
I want to use this but i need to "match" a partial name. For instance, in the form i have mulitple note elemtents: <input name="notes0000"> <input name="notes0001"> i could use getElementsByName("notes0000") and so on, but i don't know how many notes boxes there will be. Any help? ... 26 Feb 2010 23:06
[Codefest] Prizes worth 104,000 INR at stake for RAD. Certificates to all participants.
Hello developers, CodeFest in association with British Telecom and TCS presents RAD - Ribbit Application Development: Lets write the future of communication. It is a completely online month long event starting from Feb 27 and is open to all students and professionals round the globe. Ribbit platform provides ... 26 Feb 2010 13:02
write and run code off-line
I write my code (ASP/Javascript) on my winXP computer and then upload it onto my webgsite and run it. Untill recently I had just win98 and I couldn't do it any other way. This is real time consuming, though, and i want to get my own system so i can both write and run code off-line. I have no idea where to begin.... 3 Mar 2010 20:53
939764 Constantly updated Free COmputer and business portal 50
I fell in love with the net and all the compuiter teahcnology in the very early years and have loved it ever since, I have an IT Degree and Communications degree and will be working on my doctorate for the next five years, in bwetween I design websites, databases, Multimedia Produxction or anything that wil make me a p... 26 Feb 2010 07:25
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