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Math.random() and Math.round(Math.random()) and Math.floor(Math.random()*2)
Assuming one needs to have a function returning false or true on each call in pseudo-random order.and using JavaScript native Math.random() method as the basis of the pseudo-randomness. Say the variants of such function are: getAnswer1() { var n = Math.round(Math.random()); return n ? true : false; } getA... 2 May 2010 17:34
Emulating the <Tab> Key operation ?
Hi: (JavaScript newbie warning) I would like to emulate the operation of the <tab> key (with JS code) when moving from one input text field to another. I am testing using IE7, FireFox and Chrome. Assume that the set of input text fields are as follows (and are filled to the maximum length): ... 1 May 2010 20:54
passing arrays between scripts
Seriously, have you even tried searching for this? <-- You bet I do. I work at this 9-10 hrs a day. OK, now I can pass variables between scripts (<input type=hidden . . . and request.queryString, etc) but how about arrays - hundreds of subsets? I've tried catting all the subs into a string and then passing the s... 30 Apr 2010 13:56
Komodo Edit: Editor settings?
Komodo Edit 5.1 I would very much like to stop code from expanding automatically. Like when several consecutive lines of code have a plus sigh in the left margin, meaning they are collapsed, when I go to copy or cut one of those collapsed lines, the collapsed lines that follow that line automatically expand.... 29 Apr 2010 19:12
ECMA-262-5 in detail. Chapter 1. Properties and Property Descriptors.
OK, the new series has just begun. "ECMA-262-5 in detail. Chapter 1. Properties and Property Descriptors." It isn't already a translation, but the original. But, nevertheless, additions/corrections -- technical and in En... 30 Apr 2010 19:39
Do not assign undefined to window event handlers in IE/MSHTML
Ciaran wrote: Is it just me or was my query hijacked and converted into a debugging session for an intended publicity/SEO plug for a personal project? It is just you. This is how Usenet works. Usenet is not a right. As a poster, you do not have a right to receive an answer (that you like). In the sam... 30 Apr 2010 20:45
using screenX and screenY?
I am using onMouseMove events to pass event to a function. ex. onMouseMove = "myApp(event);" In the function I have been using clientX and Y but they do not work over IFrames. So I tried screenX and Y. This seems to work very nicely (I do not need to worry about screen scrolling because I "lock" the screen down... 28 Apr 2010 20:51
Do not assign undefined to window event handlers in IE/MSHTML (was: Trigger hover pseudo class using javascript?)
> Do not assign undefined to window.onerror in IE/MSHTML (was: Trigger hover pseudo class using javascript?) The title was misleading so I corrected it. IE doesn't and never did allow to assign undefined to window host object event handlers, in this aspect onerror is same as onload. If one needs to clear up a han... 28 Apr 2010 21:57
FAQ Topic - How do I POST a form to a new window? (2010-04-29)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Topic - How do I POST a form to a new window? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Use the target attribute on the form, opening a window with that name and your feature string in the onsubmit handler of... 28 Apr 2010 19:43
convert string to currency
Thankyou for your help. OK, here's my try, and the results I get: SQL = "UPDATE books1 SET debit = CONVERT(currency(8),"+ rs("debit").Value +")"; Response.Write( "SQL = "+ SQL +"<br>" ); ConnectionObject.Execute( SQL ); -------------------------------- SQL = UPDATE books1 SET debit = CONVERT(currency(8)... 28 Apr 2010 18:34
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