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FAQ Topic - How do I close a window and why does it not work on the first one? (2010-06-22)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Topic - How do I close a window and why does it not work on the first one? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If a window was opened by javascript, then it can be closed without confirmation by using ... 21 Jun 2010 19:09
Information about satellite tv product
Hi guys, does any of you have any experience about this satellite TV They offer us a 40% discount (As I tried to close the site, a pop up appeared and asked if I really wanted to close the site, after I clicked the cancel button, a lady offered me extra discount if I bo... 21 Jun 2010 19:09
Detecting open in new tab / window
How can I most reliably detect when a link has been clicked to open in a new tab or to open in a new window? I have not found this question well adressed in the pages returned up my searches. I am doing some statistics gathering. In particular, I have some links that point to external websites (they are product... 23 Jun 2010 06:13
instructor solution manual for Modern Control Systems 9 E by Richard C Dorf and Robert H. Bishop
Here are instructor's solutions manuals to the scientific textbooks in PDF format. They cover solutions to all problems. If you need any, let me know its title, edition and author. If your title is not listed here don't worry because it is a list of some .. NOTE: This service is NOT free, and Don't reply here, inst... 21 Jun 2010 03:42
FAQ Topic - Why does framename.print() not print the correct frame in IE? (2010-06-21)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Topic - Why does framename.print() not print the correct frame in IE? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IE prints the frame that has focus when you call the print method ` frameref.focus();frameref.p... 20 Jun 2010 20:02
Need help with setTimeout
I am a newbie. On this page: I am testing a script to reset a form after it has been submitted. I have this line: setTimeout('mf.reset()',10000); There should be a 10 second delay before the form resets. But the form resets almost immediately. I have stared at the code... 21 Jun 2010 14:39
Background changes to blue color when a popup is moved across in IE8
Hi, In my application I've a table which displays details obtained from the database. It also has a dhtml popup which displays some more details. Now when I move the popup across the page in IE8 the background turns blue in color. I couldn't figure out the reason why? One more problem I am facing is , when ... 25 Jun 2010 16:28
FAQ Topic - How do I check to see if a child window is open, before opening another? (2010-06-20)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Topic - How do I check to see if a child window is open, before opening another? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- var myWin; function openWin(aURL) { if (!myWin || myWin.closed ) { myWin = window.... 19 Jun 2010 19:59
How to remove an element?
Hi, I have something like this: var cb = new Ext.form.Combox( { xtype: 'combo', id: 'mybox' .... }); which works just fine. However, in the later flow when the field associated with the combox is no longer used I'd like to destroy the box (it looks like cool effects). The attempt of resetting the cb var... 20 Jun 2010 21:08
FAQ Topic - How do I find the size of the window? (2010-06-19)
----------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ Topic - How do I find the size of the window? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is a detailed explanation of a cross-browser strategy to find the dimensions of the viewport, excepting all chrome ... 18 Jun 2010 23:26
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