From: Piafisch on
Windows Update offers this update .NET Framework 3.0 x86 Language Pack for
my computer. But both version 3.0 and 3.5 SP1 are installed according to the
control panel. It is not recognized by Windows XP, though. How do I get
Windows to see those programs? Windows seems to recognize these programs as
part of Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision as the program icons displayed
match exactly.

How do I get full usage of both Skype and Navision?

Kind Regards Pia
From: PA Bear [MS MVP] on
Step #1 => Before doing anything else, write down what .NET Framework
versions are currently installed:

How to determine which versions of the .NET Framework are installed and
whether service packs have been applied

Step #2 => Now see Resolution Method 2 in this related KB article:

After running the .NET Framework Cleanup Tool (not the Windows Installer
Cleanup utility), reinstall all .NET Framework versions (but only the ones
you wrote down in #1 above) manually using the download links on the page
then run Windows Update manually to install security updates for same.

NB: If you remove .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1) using the tool, reinstalling .NET
Framework 3.5 will also install .Net Framework 2.0 SP2 and 3.0 SP2; then
Windows Update will offer .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.

IMPORTANT! => If you remove .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1), reinstall your .NET
Framework versions in the following order:

1. .Net Framework 3.5, then...
2. .Net Framework 1.1, then...
3. .Net Framework 1.1 SP1

NB: KB923100 references this page: Please read
ALL of it as well as the related page before using the .NET
Framework Cleanup Tool.

Step #3 => Check-in at Windows Update and install any critical security
updates offered.
~Robear Dyer (PA Bear)
MS MVP-IE, Mail, Security, Windows Client - since 2002

Piafisch wrote:
> Hi,
> Windows Update offers this update .NET Framework 3.0 x86 Language Pack for
> my computer. But both version 3.0 and 3.5 SP1 are installed according to
> the
> control panel. It is not recognized by Windows XP, though. How do I get
> Windows to see those programs? Windows seems to recognize these programs
> as
> part of Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision as the program icons
> displayed
> match exactly.
> How do I get full usage of both Skype and Navision?
> Kind Regards Pia