From: Vincent Fatica on
On Mon, 24 May 2010 20:59:53 -0400, "Igor Tandetnik" <itandetnik(a)>

|Vincent Fatica <vince(a)> wrote:
|> error C2664: 'error' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'LPCWSTR' to
|> 'LPTSTR' Conversion loses qualifiers
|> Why? Aren't "LPCWSTR" and "const LPWSTR" both "const WCHAR*"?
|No. LPCWSTR is "const WCHAR*" - a non-const pointer to const data. "const LPWSTR" is "WCHAR* const" - a const pointer to non-const data. Your function, by taking LPTSTR, declares that it may modify pointed-to data - that's why it can't accept LPCWSTR (where, again, the data is const).

I get it. Thanks to both of you, Igor and Doug.
- Vince